Title: A Dyssputacion of the Nobylytye off wymen
Author: Bercher, William (1490–unknown)
Date of publication: 1904
Edition transcribed: (London: Roxburghe Club, 1904)
Source of edition: the Gerritsen Collection.
< http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_dat=xri:gerritsen&rft_dat=xri:gerritsen:bookfulltext:>Gerritsen-G154.2< >
Transcribed by: Kosta Gligorijevic and Zoli Filotas, McGill University, 2015.
Transcription conventions: Original manuscript was composed in 1559, but was only first published in 1904.
Status: Completed and correct, version 1.0, October 2016.
Produced as part of Equality and superiority in Renaissance and Early Modern pro-woman treatises, a project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
[p. 85 begins]
A Dyssputacon^ off the
Nobylytye off wymen / Betwene
dyvers ladis / and gentleme*
off ytalye at a place called
Petriôlo / One of the Bayns
of Siena the noble
Cyttye of Toscane/.
Magna ope minorum.
To the Quenis moste exelent Matie.
Greate ys the dutye that all men owethe to theyre
Cheffe Soveraigne/ and greater is the same, beinge
ioyned withe pryncely benefyte/. every man is naturally
bownde, to honor hys prynce, by generall Servyce, that
is requyred of hym/ and som be spetiallye more bownde/ [5]
by severall occasyon, that aught not to be forgot/.
fforgetffullnes, emonge vertuous men/ have ever ben thaught a greate
vyce/ and theye have reputed nothinge so evyll as a man vnmyndefull
of his dutye/.
I ffynde my selffe (moste Exelent pryncesse) to be even he, that [10]
beside the comon* bonde, whearwithe all men be holden to the obser-
vaunce of theyr governor/, have allso pryvate cawse to acknowledge the
debt that growethe by spetyall bonde/. And whear I wolde be lothe
to condempne my selffe of ingratitude, I have wth humble harte/ and
due Recordacon^ off tyme passed/ entreprysed/ to honor the preasent [15]
State, withe a declaracon^ of my sellffe hearin/.
Your highnes mother, Quene of moste worthy memorye/ earnestly
myndenge thadvauncement of learnenge/ employed her bountyfull
benevolence vppon sondry Studentes/ that wer placed at Chambridge/
emonge the whiche yt pleased her highnes to appoynte me (moste un- [20]
worthy) for one/ that shoulde enioye the ffrewyte thearoffe/.
And after that crewell deathe had beraft vs/ her most desyred lyffe,
to the vtter dyscoragement of or purpose begonne/, as dyvers dyd by
and by geve over all/ and deᵱte/: So, I colde not leave that lyve
entred/ by myne owne inclynacon^ and confyrmed by hyr mates gratious [25]
goodnes/. but made myne habode a good tyme/ travelenge in sutche
maner of Stodye, as then was theare approved/.
[p. 88]
yet all this whyle colde I not have (fol. 2) anye determynacon^ withe
my selffe, to professe anye one thynge more then other/ but was content
onelye to satysfye my meanenge ioyned wth the memorye of hyr mtie/.
To this I thought good to add an experyence of travell/ and know-
ledge off more contris then myne owne/. Wch, when I had donne/ my [5]
formor fancye of professenge nothinge partycularly was verye mutche
ffor theare the Stodye of a gentlema* is supposed to consyst in know-
ledge Suffitient for his owne contentacon^, and not to make a gayne
thearof,/ and becom a Servaunte to every mannis Salarye/. [10]
Wth this opynyon/ I retorned home/ and put my Sellffe to attende
vppon the Duke of Norfolke/ that nowe is, whose Synceritye and noble
harte/ as I cannot reache to vtter to yor highnes: so I dowbte not but
the same, doe so well vndrestonde of yt/ as neyther in the one/ nor in
the other any myslyking shalbe had of my demeanor in this behalffe/ [15]
Nowe yt maye lyke your Royall Mate to pardon me in this em-
pryse/ whearin I travell to trye my selffe devoyde of fforgetfullnes/ in
doenge whearof I hadd rather be accompted bolde then ingrate.
I have none other meane to shewe my selffe myndefull of the re-
nomyd memorye of your hyghnes mother/ nor to expresse the con- [20]
solacon^ that I have of yor Mates assumption to your Imperyall Crowne/.
onelye the Servyce and dutye that I owe to your highnes is my guyde/.
Whiche is so greate/, that when I have donne all that I cann doe/, yt
shalbe lesse then I wolde or aught to doe/. And as I wyll not presume
to serve youre grace withe the depe knowledge of learnenge/ whear- [25]
withe I beganne, leavinge that to other that have contynued in the
same/: So wythe these thynges, not allto gether dyssevered (fol. 3) from
learnenge/ and tendinge to honest myrthe/, and not vnlearned recreacon^,
I have made the waye to approche to your Matie bryngynge nothynge
wth me, but a poore preasent off Ytalyon costume/ whear the ladys and [30]
gentle wymen/ ar so enclyned to learnenge and vertue/ as no tyme
appoynted to passe tyme is suffred to passe awaye, wthowte regarde
thearof/ as this that I nowe exhibytt to youre highnes/, and other that
hearafter I mynde to doe, maye testeffye/, yf yt shall (neverthelesse)
stonde wythe youre Maiestis good pleasure/, to geve me lycens theare- [35][p. 89]
vnto/. the whiche showlde be to me a greater gayne/, then by optayn-
enge of som other lycens to atchyve a great deale of Rytches/. ffor by
this waye, showlde I gett, that I have so longe desyred/ that is, in som
sorte to Serve your highnes in myne ende, (beinge borne to be a moste
puisant Quene) as in my begynnyng was ment/, by her that was chosen [5]
to be a Wyffe to a moste victorious kynge/. And so deryvynge the
Course of my dayes/, ffrom a Renomyd Quene/, the Mother/, to a
moste Exelent Quene the daughter/, I maye in the one, honour the
memory of the other/. Havynge yet a thrid cawse of ioye/ that a
Dowches beinge my good lady and Mystres/ can testefye to youre Mati/ [10]
that she hathe had som proffe of my dyssposysyon to this effect/. I maye
thynke my sellffe fowre tymes happye, yf your highnes, wyll never so
lyttle, seme to take wythe gratious hande, the thynge that withe a
tremblyng mynde (ffor lack of better guyfte) I offre to the same.
Contynually prayenge vnto god, to preserve your Maiestye in longe [15]
and prossperous Raigne/ that your highnes maye devyse ffor vs, all (fol.
4) generation off mercye and pyttie,
off welthe and benefytes, of plentie
and peace, to the contentacon^
of or selves and ffrendes/ to [20]
the desolacyon of or enemis
and ffoes/ to the confyrma-
syon of or Contrye and
to the Glorye of god.
Who graunte yor [25]
grace maye passe
and Surmowte*
the ffamous
and highe
Renowme [30]
off yor moste noble ᵱgenitors/.
Your Mates moste humble
Subiect [35]
Wyllm@ Bercher
The Preface.
It was my chaunce to travell a brode and see
ye worlde at lardge/ and lyve a tyme in Ytalye a place
of sutche Renowme/ as all men crave ye sight of yt
and passethe for no more/. Thearbe so many staetes/
so many Cyttis ffayre/. as men shall stonde in mar- [5]
velous dowbte wheare best wer to remayne/ Som tyme
the walles so highe of Rome/. Somtyme the plesant platt of naples/.
Somtyme ye Cortesye of Siena Somtyme fayre fflorence will drawe ye
mynde to staye/. Then venys wth hyr trayne/ Myllayne great & plenty-
full/ Mantua the mylde & Genua the prowde/. will make ye thynke/ [10]
no place ye lyke to plante thy sellfe to lyve/. Then ye learned haunte
of Padoa/ Pysa/ & Perugia/ Pavia/ & Bononia/ shall cawse the[e]
Iudge thother vayne & call ye to theyre trade/. All that whch when I had
seene/ & vewide/ I chose the place of Curtesye/ fullfylled withe other
guyftes/ to be ye porte of myne abode/ and that for dyvers skylles/. [15]
Thear was a matie of State/ thear was exelencye of learnenge/ and thear
was aer of Purytie/ Siena was this Seate of all Toscayne moste tem-
perate in ye hote tyme off (fol. 5) the year/. And as this Cyttye in
everye place of Italye had the brewyte for curtesy to straingers/ so I
well fownde that the thinge/ was no lesse then the ffame/. ffor I had [20]
not longe byn thear/ but I was provoked/ withe dyvers curtesis/ bothe
for the increas of Studye and learnenge, and for delight/ and honest
recreatyon/. And that no parte shoulde be vnshewed vnto me/ a gentle-
man of the howse off borghese/ wolde nedes have me wth hym in to the
countreye/ to his village/ wch was nighe a place of bathe/ whearvnto was [25]
greate resorte of gentle folke/ withe whome the maner of the contrey
[images here][p.92]
we call an vnyversytie/ by reason whearof sondry nations make their
repaire thyther/.
And yf the creweltye of warr/ (wth the wch they have byn afflycted
ever syns I was ther/) have destroyed the commodities of so worthy a
state/ I am sorry for yt/ for thear was no Cyttye on the Earthe/ wher [5]
in were/ more lyvely wyttes/ more lerned men/ more cortese to
straingers/ nor more goodly gentlewymen/. Thear were ffewe ffamelyes/
but had sum one notably learned of theyr name/ and so lerned as
throughe owte Ytalye/ they were publyque professors of the same/
beinge called of every prynce to sett forthe their Studies. The Gentle- [10]
wymen allso were geven to knowlege in sutche sorte/ as theyr was no
matter propoundid but they colde reason probablye in yt/. (fol. 7)
The cawse whearof was/ the maner and custome of theyr contrye/ wch
do not bestowe the tyme of theyr assemblyes/ in wastefull surfett/ and
banquetenge/ but in some devyse/ wherin lernenge and vertue maye [15]
be shewed/ and encreased/. An other cause of the great resorte to this
bathe of Petriôlo/ was the commodytye and benefyte/ whearwth god
and nature had endewyd the place/. ffor as in dyvers partes of Ytalye
thear be manye baynes: so in no place/ is thear so manye baynes to
gether for all dyseasis/ and spetiallye one for the hedd/ wch was thaught [20]
to be the great cause of helpe to the moste ffeble and lame bodies/.
The third cause of the assemblye thear/ was that many of the cheffe
gentlemen of the Cyttie have theyr vineyardes thear a bowtes and
daylye make/ theyr repayre/ to vysyte their ffrendes/ and acquayntance
by wch occasyon/ thear were manye of dyvers placis/. Thear were of [25]
all ᵱartes off Ytalye/ there were of ffraunce and germanye/ and thear was
an ynglyshe man or two/ whiche bycawse they wer
braught thyther by a gentleman of
the contreye/ they wer had in
the more reputacon^/. ffor [30]
as they be cortese to all
men/ so to hym that
hathe any recom-
mendacon^ they
be more ffa- [35]
When they wer cum/ after their custum to the Countesses
lodginge/ and had begonn to singe/ ytalyan versis/ and
daunce after theyr maner/ and so a lyttle pausid/. The
Countesse saide/. I have two causis to reioyce of my
comenge* to the bayne/. One for that I truste to ffynde [5]
sum remedye for my wretched bodye/ wch is in sutche
case/ as yt wer better to be sepperate from the sowle/ then to be in
sutche myserable state/ as yt cannot serve the same/. Thother is that
I receive sutche consolacon^ of myne afflycted mynde by yor comfortable
resorte/ and gentle intreteynment/ as the same beinge in ᵱte releved/ [10]
is in good forwardenes to be vtterlye revyved/ and cawsethe the better
workemanship of my bodyes recoverye. And that yor commenge hyther
be not deleyed by my vayne talke/ I leave yt to your choyse/ whether
you wyll appoynte/ some newe matter/ to be reasoned this night/ or
resume that wch was begonne yester night of vs selye wemen/ in the [15]
wch Mr Orlando was our Champyon/ and Mr Camillo our adversarye/.
Wch two gentlemen promysed this nyght to mayntayne their quarrell
to the vttermoste/ yf we wolde be content/. In good ffaythe (quothe
Iohn@ Borghese) a merry olde gentleman/ well taken amonge them/
and made the lorde of the bath for the tyme/ yt maketh no matter [20]
what we saye of you/ ffor whatsoever we saye/ in the ende/ we ar
fayne to doe as ye will/. Mr Iohn@ borghese (quothe the Countesse)
you nede not so to saye/ ffor ye have cawse to saye the contrarye/: but
of a custome ye take pleasure/ to speake the thinge/ that you thynke
not/. And becawse the matter was begonne yester night/ by two [25]
[p. 94]
gentlemen that in this quarrell/ have allwais varried I shall desyer
you/ becawse you ar or hedd to geve your concent/ that the rest moved
by yr awcthoritye/ maye do the lyke/.
Every man was content that the matter (fol. 9) shoulde go forwarde/
and the Countesse desyred Mr Orlando to begynne/. This was a worthy [5]
gentleman/ of great estymasyon/ and a maynteyner of wemens cawsis to
the vttermoste/. Lady Cowntesse (qd he) I wolde be gladd/ yt might
pleas you/ to appoynte sum other/ to take this matter in hande/. partly
bycawse I am vn mete/ for sutche an enterpryes/ beinge armed wth no-
thinge but withe my good will, and partlye becawse myne adversarye [10]
is so stronge/ as I shall not be able to stonde in his handes/. Be yt/ as
it wylbe/ (qd the Cowntesse) we will abide the adventure/. Then yf I
quayle (qd he) ye must blame yor selffe for your choyse/ and not me ffor
thobedyence/. I am content (qd she) to take all the blame vppon me/.
Then ye shall call to remembrance (qd he) that I tolde ye yester night/ [15]
thocasyon of this taulke/ did ffyrst ryes at Myllayne/ at the marriage
off the Noble Marques of Carravagge/ and the exelent ladye ffaustina
Sforza/. The wche by one that was learned/ and longe tyme trayned in
the love of ladyes/ was after to theyr greate glorye/ sett forthe in writ-
inge/ off the whiche thoriginall off or resonenge yester night was [20]
moved/ and whear as I ment nothenge ellse/ but to speake of the same/
as I thaught good wthowte any contention/ yt is nowe cum so ffarr as I
must trye yt to thextremytie/.
Whearfore to procede/ as I dyd yester night I saye that thopynyon
is good/ wch in the begynnenge of the talke was affirmed/ that yff the [25]
parfection of wemen/ had not bynn of yt selffe/ more clere/ and many-
fest then any prayse of wrighters colde have made yt/ thear shoulde
have byn no place off the worlde/ but had bynn full off bookes of their
commendacon^/ but becawse or awncestors well parseved/ that theyre
praysenge by writinge/ colde not suffise (fol. 10) to prayse a thynge/ [30]
that ffur passed all prayse/ they thaught yt best to lose no tyme in vtter-
enge a matter/ that of yt selffe was moste evident/ and withe wrightinge
to dymynyshe the reputation of a thinge that was moste exelent/[.] And
vppon this consideracon^/ they turned theyr Styele to dyscribe the dig-
nytye of men/ bycawse theyr vertue semyd lesse/ (as it was in dede) and [35]
[p. 95]
dystrusted not/ but they might wthe probabilytie/ prayse a thinge that
Stode indyfferent to receave yt/. This syncere and trewe Iudgement of
or awntient ffathers/ growndid of naturall vertue,/ in processe off tyme
began to ffayle and decay in sutche sorte/ as they that succeeded them,
did wrongly interprete the same/ specyally the gretians/ who beinge the [5]
moste instable men of the worlde/ and greatest advowterers/ ymagyned
that the olde men had no harte to prayse wymen/ bycawse they sawe
nothinge in them prayseworthye/ and so continewenge/ in this opynyo*,
wch increased by ambytion and vayne glory, they raged so ffarr/ as they
began to preffer/ men before wymen/ and to make no more accompte [10]
of them/ then of Servauntes or base thinges/, appoynted for common
mynysterye/ and yet they left not hear/ but wadid so depe/ as they
ffell in to a fowle error/ thynkynge wymens companye to be hurtfull
and vnprofytable for man/ the wch grevous error/ thoughe yt wer after-
warde well plaged/ yet thear be sum of the remanant of this sorte/ that [15]
ceas not to their powre/ to throwe theyr toolis abrode/ to infect the
worlde/ wch thynge becawse I se yt abhomynable/ and worthye vtter
extermynacon^/ I, that was borne of a woman/ and nowe and ever shall
owe them my servyce/ acknowlegeng my beinge by them/ and all other
thinges that is in me/ to be occasyoned by theyr worthynes/ am movid [20]
to recorde vnto you what I thinke of theyr opynyon/ that handled this
matter at Milane/ not somoche for the settenge forthe of wymen/ wch
have no nede of yt/ as for the deffence and honor of men/ wch beinge
of myne opynyon/ ar determyned to serve/ and love (fol. 11) Wymen/
as the Creatures that be moste worthye the same/. Whearefore I saye/. [25]
that the right order of praysenge/ aught to Procede ffrom that be-
gynnenge and origynall that leadethe to the vertewis off the mynd[,]
to the quallytis of the bodye/ and to the ffeates that yssewe of the
same/ and to declare that they be greater in the thinge/ that we will
prayse then in anye other/. Yff then the nature off man had begynnenge [30]
of the corrupsyon of Earthe/. by the bathynge of the water/ and
Scaldenge of the Sonne/ as manye thynges be/ by thopynyo* of Phylo-
zophers/ theare showlde be no dyfference betwene man and woman[.]
And yff all thynges have byn everlastyngly wthowte begynnenge (as
Arystotle thynkethe) then yt wer but veyne/ to treate this matter/ ffor [35]
[p. 96]
neyther the one/ nor the other colde be saide to have begynnenge[.]
But whearas we Chrysten people beleve that this worlde was created
of god/ fyve thousande/ ffyve hondrd/ & odd yearis passed we muste
nedes graunte/ that ye begynnenge off woman/ is ffar ᵱfecter then of
man by cawse Moses confessithe/ that the man was made of earthe/: [5]
and woman of ffleshe[:] and so moche as ffleshe is/ more noble then
earthe somoche is their beginnege* more exelent/. And ye aught to
knowe ffurther yt woman is the more worthye Creature/ bycawse she
deserved to have a more worthye name. ffor Adam signefyethe earthe/
and Eva signefyethe lyffe/ and as lyffe passeth earth so dothe woman [10]
passe man/[.] And trewe yt is/ that the ffyrste creator of thinges did
well knowe ye quallytie off them before he gave them/ their namis/
and thearfore so termyd them as the name might expresse/ the nature
of the thynge/. Whearfore bothe lawyers and dyvyns makith greate
Importaunce of an argument off name/. Saynct pawle in his Epistle [15]
provithe χρē@ to be above all Creatures/ bycawse he had a name that
ffarr passed (fol. 12) all other/ in somoche as to the name off Ihu@, all
the creatures of heaven and earthe shoulde bowe their knees/. ffurther-
more/ yf the ymage or exemplare of god/ is represented by man/ and
woman (as the Scripture affirmethe) then must we nedes conffesse the [20]
woman to have the prehemynence/ becawse the ffeatures of a womans
fface/ moche excedethe all thinges in the earthe/. And as plato sayethe/
the frewit of bowntie is bewtye/ and the bewtye of the fface is (for the
moste parte) a token of the bowntye of the mynde/: thearfore yff the
woman/ have the ydea and ymage of the creator/ moste faire in resemblance, [25]
we must nedes graunte/ she hathe the better begynnenge/ and conse-
quentlye aught to be the more noble creature/. Egayne/ the order that
nature hathe appoynted in the creation of bothe/ declarethe the ᵱfection
of the one/: ffor naturall Philozophers confessethe/ that a man childe
is formed in forty dais/ and a woman in fowre score/ sum by this reason [30]
wolde prove the man to be more parfect/ but it is contrary/ ffor as the
worke of an artyfycer/ that requyrethe longar tyme is more exelent/
becawse yt cannot be donne in so shorte space: evenso the worke of
Nature/ that is longar in doenge/ must nedes be of more ᵱfection. And
so in comparyson of other creatures/ man is more absolute/ becawse his [35]
[p. 97]
formacon^ askethe longer tyme/. and the proverbe sayth the hasty
bytche bringethe forthe blinde whelpes/. We all knowe that thinges
wch god created do onely dyffer/ becawse sum of them be incorruptible/
and sum subiect to mutation/ and that god toke/ this order in the crea-
tion of them/ as he began withe the Noble/ and endid wth the moste [5]
Noble. ffyrst he created Angelles and sowlles incorruptible/ then bodis/
eternall/ as the (fol. 13) Heavens and the Starrs/ next Elementes/
Whiche as they be Subiect to mutatyon: so they ever contynue and
renue the parfection off the vnyversall/. After them he made beastis,
ffowle, ffysshes, Trees, plantes/ and so forthe/ in the ende he creatyd [10]
two thinges to his awne lykenes[,] man and woman/ in the wch heaven
and earthe withe all their ornamentes was accomplyshed/. And when he
had created the woman he dyd repose hym selffe/ bycawse he had no-
thinge of more honor to do/ in the wche all the Sapyence and powre of
the Creator did ende/ thearfore becawse woman was the ende of god [15]
his worke/ ye cannot denye me but she is the moste exelent creature/
ffor yt is a common proposycon^ the ende is ffyrste in intencon^ and last
in execution/. Ye knowe right well that Philozophye/ makethe an
argument of the wysedome of the mynde by the constytucon^ of ye bodye/
and sayethe that creaturs endewid wth soft and tendr fleshe/ have ye [20]
better wysedome & vnderstandynge/ Whearby it canot* be dowbted
but wymen havinge moste soffte and delycate fleshe/ muste nedes have
better wyttes/ and be more apte to speculacon^ then men/. And yf ye
wyll consyder the operation of nature/ ye shall fynde that she hathe vsed
marvelous arte in makenge of wymen/. Whose bodis as they be the [25]
weaker/ so their myndes be quyeter/ and yff the naturall debylitye of
body makethe wymen lesse bolde/ the same makethe them more Circum-
spect/. What Payne takethe wymen in norryshenge & bringynge vp
their Children/ wythe the whiche men be lyttle trobled/ What labor
have theye in governenge theyr ffamelis/ whear in, they travell everye [30]
howre/. And yff men do any ffeate to guett a brode, they, wth dilligence/,
kepe and save the same at home[.] (fol. 14) ye knowe the owlde vers/
yt is no lesse prayse to kepe then to guett/. Who doe not see that the
bodye of wymen/ dothe ffurr passe and exell all thynges/. the bewtye
off hyr face/ wth a certeyne dyvyne brightnes/ shynynge in hyr counten- [35]
[p. 98]
auce*/ wythe all other partes so well proporconed^, as all the worlde dothe
confesse hyr, to be/ the moste notable creature, in the whiche nature
thaught to prove hyr connynge/ insomoche as the goddes and their
chyldren have byn caught wythe their love/ as dothe well appere by
awntient learnenge/ and one pryveledge they have geven in the hed/ that [5]
is the pryncypall parte/ wch in a woman is never devoide of heare/
as it is in a ma*/ and whear the fface of man is the moste parte de-
formed by the growethe of his berde/ the womans remaynethe ever
smothe and pure/. and is of Sutche vertue, as yf yt be once ffayre
wasshed/ the water never receavethe spott thear bye/ whear as contrary [10]
in man/ lett hym washe never so ofte, the water remaynethe trowbled
and ffowle.
When thus mutche was sayde/ and he purposynge to saye more The
Countesse spake thus/ Mr Orlando, you have saide somoche in our behalf
as we be all greatly bownden vnto you/ but I ffeare me/ you will note [15]
every thinge so precyselye/ as your adversarye shall thynke you tryffle/
or ellse lack matter/ whear in dede ye doe neyther of bothe/ but wth
good order and argumentes, have hytherto so provid yor purpose/ as I
trust you shall remove Mr Camyllo/ from his olde opynyon in the
same/. I trust not so (qd Master Iohn@ boghese) for then you wymen [20]
wolde becum so prowde/ as we shoulde have no rule wythe you/. And
I dowbte not but Mr Camyllo wyll answer hym (fol. 15) home/ and yf
nede be/ I wyll saye sumwhat my sellffe/. In dede (qd the Coutesse*) I
knowe you can saye mutche/ & thearfore yf Mr Orlando wyll, ye shalbe
harde/. I shalbe glad to heare hym (qd Mr Orlando)/ but I shall desyer [25]
bothe you and hym/ that I maye ffyrste seye a lyttle more/ and then I
wyll geve place/. Ye knowe that nature hathe so appoynted the con-
dytion off thinges, that all have a dyfference amonges them/ the heaven/
the sterrs/ the Elementes/ the trees/ the herbes/ and all lyke thynges/
dyffer in forme and vertue/. All lyvelye creatures/ as well brewyte as [30]
reasonable hathe the same and in all theas is sum shape of Nobylytye,
and that so evident/ as it apperethe more in one then in a nother/ and
so to cum to or matter that thinge is more noble that possessethe more
goodes of the mynde[,] off the bodye/ and off ffortune/ and howe
mutche the mynde is better then the bodye or fortune/ so moche [35]
[p. 99]
more worthye is the guyftes that procede of yt/. The cheffe vertues of
the mynde be those that be praysed in scripture/ of the whiche Charytye
is the cheffe[,] in the whiche wymen passe so ffurr, as men maye in no
wyes compare wth them/. Their contynuall prayer and servys of god/
at Churche/. Their gevynge of allmos/ and helpenge of the poore, is [5]
allwais notable in them/. Ther parfection off lyffe, hathe byn so many-
fest/ as St Ierrom/ and other holye men/ have clerelye celebrated them
for their solytary lyffe in wildernes/ whear they have byn spectacles/
and examples to the whole worlde of their pure religion/. In adversytie/
wch is the tryall of ffaithe, men comonly* rage/ and blaspheme god and [10]
his saynctes/ wymen take all patientlye/ and geve god thankes/ and
(fol. 16A) the more they be trobled/ the more constaunte they con-
tynue/ wch was well sene in the deathe of hym/ that gave vs all lyffe/
when men, wch had sene so manye myracles/ and made sutche bostes of
theyr faythe/ lost it quyte/ and forsoke theyr Mr rennynge hyther/ and [15]
thyther, but the wymen/ remayned sownde in their beleve/ and never/
forsoke theyr lorde/. and one thinge is certeyne/ that their faithe is so
stronge/ as yf anye of them happe to ffall in to any superstition of
Magicque or inchauntement, they will not forsake it to the deathe/ by-
cawse their faythe is growndid in yt/. Whyche thynge I do brynge in/ [20]
for none other purpose but to declare theyr constancy in beleffe/ whiche
is a moste evident proffe of theyr exelencye/ synce ffewe swarve from
the right waye/ the wch they holde to the ende/. And ye cann have no
greater argument of their earnest observynge of goddes behest/ then the
ffyrst temptacon^ of the devyll in paradyce/ whear when he sawe bothe [25]
man/ and woman obeyenge the comandyment* of god/ he devysede howe
they might be made to lose the grace that they had obteyned/ and as
he was ffathr of all craft/ so he vsed moste craft in this ffeate/. He knewe
full well that man was easye to be overcum/ and that his victorye shoulde
not be greate a bowte hym/ and thoughe yt wer/ yt wolde not serve [30]
bycawse the greater was in the other/ Thearfore he considered/ that
yf he cowlde overcum the woman/ he shoulde be shewre of the man/
and evenso yt cam to passe/. ffor the woman was no soner overcum/
but the man gave place by & bye/. So that you may well see/ the
dyvell gave the ffyrst assaulte to the (fol. 16B) Stronguest place/ thynk- [35]
[p. 100]
ynge sewrlye yf he did overcum the ffyrst and the greater, he shoulde
have lyttle adoe withe the seconde and the weaker./ Nowe to speake
of morall vertues, wherin I wyll not be longe/ nor curious/ but treate
them as they shall cum to mynde/ you shall vnderstonde that wymen
have ever had moste noble Spyrites/. Who can suffiteintly declare the [5]
prudence of the Sybylles doctryne/ whiche was of sutche estymacon^
withe the Romayns/ as nothinge was donne withoute ther aucthorytye.
All the oracles of the thauntient goddes wer gyven to wymen/. Sapho a
yonge wenche invented that meter that is called Saphicum/. A daughtr
of Pythagoras provid in Philozophye equall wythe hyr ffather/[.] [10]
Emonge the Ebrewes/ Maria Delbora and Anna/ knewe the Successe
of thynges by their dyvynytie/[.] what highe prudence was in the
wymen somoche celebrated in Scripture/ Iudythe and hester./ Yff the
Troianes woolde have followed/ the councell of Cassandra/ the Cyttye
had not byn destroyed. Did not Tomiris wythe hyr polecye dysspatche [15]
the greate Conqueror Cyrus?/ Did not Semiramis by hyr prudence
buylde Babylon/ and after recover yt withe hyr valeant coradge/ when
yt had rebelled? What ffeates of all vertewes shewed the Amasones/
more then a thowsand years to gether?/ what princely harte shewed
Zenobia agaynst the Emperour Valeryan?/ An Englyshe woman/ taught [20]
and rulid the Scole at Athenys/ and after was created Pope of Rome.
A maide of ffraunce namyd Iane gave sutche instruction to Charls
(fol. 17) the vij as he recovered his realme wche he had loste/ by the
councell of his wyes me*[.] Ysabela of Castilia by her wysdome drave
owte the moors of Granata/ whose doenges have byn so notable in all [25]
maner of noble workes/ as all the worlde shall beare everlastinge fame/
thearof/. And this daye/ quene Marye of hungarye is of sutche wytte
as she alone bearethe the brewyte of ye resystaunce off the ffrenche
kynge & in all nedes have maynteyned Themperor/. And Marye the
kinges eldest Syster off Englond/ off whome I have harde great ffame/ [30]
hathe shewed marvelous examples off wysedome and constantnes/ and
by her godlye and Syncere lyffe hathe put to sylence all her enemyes.
and adversaris/.
Lyke wyse Elizabethe the yonger Syster to that kinge/ beinge but
yonge off yearis have shewed sutche great and wonderfull proffe of [35]
[p. 101]
Royall harte in trobles/ that she of late have had/ as all men do honor
hyr vertues and thynke she shalbe com a moste Noble Prynces/. Off
theas two ladis I had Vnderstandynge in fflaunders when I was Embas-
sador to the Emperours Matie/ off whose Syngler vertues/ ye may heare
more at lardge of theas Englyshe gentlemen that be heare/. [5]
In som regions wymen have bynn off all Councell the Cheffe as
Ceaser shewethe off ffraunce/. I maye say that wymen savid Rome/
when Marcus [C]Oriolanus helde the cyttye So straight/. The wymen
of Sabyno made the peace betwene the Romayns and their husbandes/,
The Cyttye of Carthage had byn lost the ffyrst daye yf wymen had not [10]
bynne/ Their exelencye of learnenge/ shewethe their worthynes whear-
in they did so notablye in Causis of deffence/ as men beganne to envye
them/ and forbid them that offyce/ ffea- (fol. 18) ringe to be inferior
to them/ and I think yt was the ffirst cawse/ why the Romayns for bad
them/ their councell-howse/ least their bewetye Ioyned wth Eloquence/ [15]
shoulde have wraught marvelous effectes/. And the cawse whye Saynct
Paule fforbiddethe them to preache/ is not for lack of wytt/ or vndr-
standinge/ but for that the hearers shoulde not be movid/ by the rare
vertewes of the mynde/ expressid by the mowthe of a bodye so ffayre/.
The wysdome off Rebecca/ gave the lordeship to hyr sonne Iacob/. [20]
Raab preserved the Esspies of Iosua/. Volumna*?? savid Rome/ and a
Selye woman saved Argus/. All antyquytye affyrmethe Mynerva to be
mystres of all Scyencis/ off whome commethe the Musis/[:] the Artes/
and Mysteris of the worlde, wer invented by wymen/. The Tyllenge
of the Earthe, by Ceres/. Wevenge of clothe by Arachne/. The worke [25]
of theyr handes donne by the nedle/ is marvelous and maye compare/
withe the payntenge or gravinge of the renomyd men in ye same/. I
maye omytt thinges/ and yet towche ynowghe/. The Stately and magny-
fycall workes of the worlde/ wer of wymen/ wytnesythe the Pyramides
of Egipt, the Sepulchre of kynge Mausolus/ the walles of Babylon/. [30]
and the Peres of the Rodes lyke vnto the whiche was thear never none
fownde. Eloquence was ffyrst taught by wymen/ all men/ learne to
speake off their mothers/. Cornelia the Romayne taught hyr sonnes to
be eloquent/. Tulliola daughter of Cicero/ and eke Hortensia/ wer
marvelous in vtterenge their myndes/. howe redye they be in matters [35]
[p. 102]
of dowbte howe constant (fol. 19) in the Sodeyne of dayngers/ what
shift they can make in myscheves/ I nede not mutche to tarrye vppon/.
ffor it is right well knowen/ nature hathe created them to save and
mayntayne thynges/ wheare bye she shewethe/ that she hathe endewed
them withe paynefullnes and wysdom/. ffor the guettenge of thinges [5]
may be onely wythe fforse and ffrawde/ but the kepeg* requyrethe
another maner vertue/. ye see howe they can temper theyr affeccons^[;]
ye see none of them robbe or kyll/ nor do anye of those enormyties/
whiche every daye men commytt/. Thear was never woman/ that so
degendred from hyr state and did thinges agaynst hyr honor/ as Sar- [10]
danapalus/ or heliogabalus/. wche of them have byn so vyle/ as Allex-
andr kynge of the Iewis/ or so crewell as Marrius or Sylla?/. The
wyves of Mythridates/ followed hym in adversytie/ and when he cowlde
not escape deathe, he sent them poyson/ whiche they receaved/ and
dyed. Sophonisba/ withe great corage/ toke the venome/ that was sent [15]
hir to dye/ notablye as she had lyved/. whear as Massinissa cowlde do
nothinge but wepe/ lyke a childe when he was rebuked of Scipio/.
Lucretia by verry valiantnes of harte berafte hyr sellffe hyr lyffe/ when
Sextus had dyssparagyed hyr honor/. Portia the wyffe of Brutus shewed
hyr constant love/ when she kylled hyr selffe wth hott coelles/ by cawse [20]
other weapon was kept from hyr/. The wymen of Sagunt when theyr
Cytty was battred of hanyball did more wyllenglye cast them selves in
to the ffyer/ then the men of the same dyd fight agaynste their crewell
enemyes/. When Marius had broken the Cimbrians, he was forced to
ffight a newe felde wythe theyr wyves/. Ye see wth what strengthe of [25]
mynde they contempe* the worlde/ they shut them selves in monasteris/
they lyve wth patiens/ they spoyle them selves of lybertye/ they aban-
don all pleasure/. that (fol. 20) theye might wholy attende vppon
prayer and good lyffe/ insomoche as yt may be rightlye saide/ that good
religion onelye remaynethe amonge them/. they be not trobled/ withe [30]
heresyes/ wythe sectes/ wth Symonys/ or any sutche as raignethe a monge
men/. They blaspheame not/ theye dyspayre not/ they be of Sutche
charytye, as wo vnto the worlde but for them/. They be the example
of noble hartes/ and honour/ They doe wthstonde thassawltes of men
to ye vttermoste/ and rather then they wolde marry vnder their deggree/ [35]
they remayne all their lyffe vnmarryed/. I am sure theyr gyvenge and
lyberall bestowenge off their thinges/ agreethe more wth modeste
Christyanytie/ than menns doe/ wch be eyther prodigall or couetous/
and eyther they spende wythe excesse/ or kepe wthoute reason/. Wyme*
ye knowe have respect to the parson/ and to the tyme of their guyft, [5]
whearin they doe acknowledge a dutye towardes god/ and for his sake
bestowe their guyftes/ and forr none other vanytye of the worlde/. And
not to howlde you to longe/ I wyll note one thynge and make an ende/.
The parpetuytye of mankinde/ whearbye the worlde contynuethe/ is
more of the woman/ than off the man/. ffor lady nature the moste Sage [10]
preservatrice of hyr workes/ hathe geven to man and woman/ a desyer
to bring forthe a thinge lyke them selves/ as a contynuance of the
same/. and the same nature hathe wraught so as love descendythe/. We
love or Chyldren/ as well or more then or selves and we love or Neph-
ewes/ more then or childr for by them we thinke we be concerved[:] [15]
so that it is a naturall instinction/ to ᵱcure by generacon^/ an other lyke
or selves/[.] whiche thinge beinge evident/ we muste nedes geve the
prehemynence to wymen/ ffor in the tyme of generacon^/ in the place
of lyffe/ and in all thinges apparteynenge to the same the woma* dothe
excell/. And in the love of or children (fol. 21) wch is the bonde and [20]
knott of parpetuall Successyon, wymen do excede/ all the wch thinges/
I might wel prove by philozophy, but that I thinke I have all redye
made you werye/ and that lyttle that I have saide or cann saye of them/
is nothinge in respect of that whiche might be sayed/ Thearfore
Mr Camillo/ as a gentle adversarye/ I requyer you/ to leave yor error [25]
in this behalf/ least it happenethe to you/ as have donne to all them/
that have spoken evyll by wymen/. Aristotle was made to playe the
hobbye horse/ to be reconcyled to his woman/. As for Saynct Thomas
he is to be howlde excused/ by cawse he thaught he cowlde not cum
to parradyce/ except he ffledd the companye of wymen/. ffryer Ierrom [30]
Sansavarola/ had his worthy payment for his slanderous tong/ Orpheus
and hyppolytus/ had myserable endes/ for offendinge wymen/. Demo-
sthenes had his pennaunce for his lavishe tonge/. Stesicorus waxid
blinde ffor dysspraysenge of helena/. and in conclusyon whatsoever they
be/ that slander wymen they be rewarded/ at one tyme or at another [35]
[p. 104]
and of them that knowe what reason is ar not to be harde/. Whearfore
I thynke yt every reasonable manis parte/ to geve the* that they de-
serve/. whiche I wolde doe yff I were as able/ as I am willenge/: and
dowbte not/ but sum other gentleman of this cumpanye wyll Supplye
my want in this interpryse/ wch I at this tyme have rather taken in [5]
hande to content the request of the lady Countesse/ and other gentle
wymen heare/ then for anye hope or truste that I had in myne owne
powre/ and thoʒ I must nedes confesse/ that I have allwais byn of this
opynyon/ yet I was never so hote in yt/ as I wolde of purpose provoke
the dyssputacon^ of yt/ but saye that lyttle that I cowlde/ as occasyon [10]
was offred by chaunce/. Nowe I will ceas and hear what (fol. 22A)
myne enemye cann saye/ and after doe as I shall see cawse/.
When Mr Orlando had pawced a lyttle/ the Countesse saide thus/
I woulde yt laye in me/ to rewarde the Servyce/ that you have taken
in our ffavor/ and then ye shoulde well ᵱseave that I wolde not appere [15]
ingrate in so worthy a travell/: but I trust yor rewarde shalbe greater/
then anye that I can geve you and that is/ victorye and glorye/. And
it maye be that Mr Camyllo is allredye ᵱswadid/ and wyll contende no
ffurther wth you/. In dede (quod Mr Camyllo) you threape kindenes
vppon me/ and surely for my parte I can well a way wth yor prayse/. [20]
but when I see/ that you have more attributed vnto you/ then be-
hovythe/ that it is that I cannot abide/. yet I wolde not that you
shoulde thinke that I professe anye enemytye wth you/ for I must nedes
confesse/ that I have loved and served wymen/ as other men have don/.
And thoughe I take vppon me the parte of an enemye/ I dowbte not/ [25]
that you shall fynde me a ffrende/ ffor verry ffrendeship concistethe in
tellenge his ffrende the trewythe/. They that vse to fflatter ye, and
bear ye in hand off this and that/ ye aught rather to Susspect then
Thearfore/ ye may thinke that bye my replycacon^ to yor prayse/ I [30]
geve occasyon/ to sett forthe yor honor/. wch in dede I muste confesse
to be greate in you/ and yet not so greate in all thinges as other men
makes ye beleve/. thearfore to passe awaye the night/ and to performe
my promys I wyll take the contrarye parte and mynyster matter to
ffurther talke/. [35]
[p. 105]
I am sure you all knowe as well as I, that god made all thinges for
sum ende, as Ritches to helpe the poore/ Strengthe to releve the op-
pressed/ Helthe to travell in busynes/ chyldren to be in or placis/ and
(fol. 22B) wymen/ to be an helpe and concervacon^ off mankynde/ and
not as ffoolis thynkethe/ that the ritche showlde vaynely spende theyr [5]
Substance/. the stronge be negliget* in daungers*/ the whole men lyve
idelye, Children to be vntaught and wymen to have aucthorytie of
men/. I thinke the sayenge of the wyse man (knowe thy selfe) was the
ffyrst precept of mans lyffe/ that ma* showlde knowe of what dignytie
he was and to what ende god had created hym/. Thearfore I cannot [10]
beleve that Mr Orlando is of the opynyon that he pretendethe/ that ye
exelencye/ the syngular industrye and wytt of man/ shoulde not be
mutche above the condycon^ of wymen/.
Whear as he made his beginnenge off the creation of man and woman/
I wyll not graunte hym that ffleshe is more worthye then earthe/ ffor [15]
seinge the earthe was created before ffleshe, yt is lyke to be the more
worthye/ ffor thinges werr created in order/ as they wer worthy in
degree/ and bycawse ffleshe in thende doe resolve into earthe/ the same
dothe acknowledge the earthe as a superior & mother/ of whome yt
hathe begynnenge and in the wch yt shall ende/. As for the argument [20]
he made of name/ I saye yt is no sure proffe to grounde vppon, for a
man maye devyse of a name what he wyll/. The Bewtye that he
ascrybid to wymen/ may allso be attributed to man/ for nature hathe
created hym allso after due proportion/ and geven hym a bewtye/ it is
called maiestye/ or venustie or howe you wyll call yt/ wch passethe all [25]
other bewtye that you canne aledge and then by his awne reason/
bewetye is the ffrewit of Bowntye/ aswell in man as in wymen/ and yt
is not allwais trewe/ that the bewtye of the fface declarethe the bowntye
of the mynde/ for ye shall See the moste parte of learned men and wyes
men to have but small (fol. 23) bewetye/. I have ever thaught that the [30]
thinge wch is made parfect in lesse tyme, had byn the more to be
praysed/ whearfore I saye/ that seinge nature hathe createde man in
hallfe the tyme/ that she createthe woman/ she dothe yt wythe better
wyll/ and is better pleased/ wth the workes of hyr handes/: ffor we see
everye daye when a thinge is donne wth good wyll/ yt is quyckly donne/ [35]
[p. 106]
and when yt is otherwyse yt is long a doenge/ and nothinge to the
purpose/[:] and in proffe of this/ I wyll bringe in one conclusyon/ of
phylozophye/ wch is/ that nature/ entendythe evermore to make the
thinges parfect she takethe in hande/ and thearfore yff she cowlde/ she
wolde allwais bringe forthe a man/ for whan she makethe a woman/ [5]
she takethe it as a defect/ and an error of hyr worke/ as we see in
monsters (wch wymen be in verry dede) and as sum lyvenge creatures
be borne/ blynde/ lame/ and croked/ and in frewytes sum hathe sower
and bytter taste/ even so a woman maye be saide to be evill created/ and
a gaynste the will off nature/. Nowe all thoughe thear be imᵱfections [10]
in them/ yet bycawse they procede of nature/ and not of them selves/
we aught not to have them in contempt/ nor to ffayle of or curtesye
towardes them/ wch thoughe it be not due to their merrites/ yet it is
convenyent to or humanytie/ the whiche apperethe greater in vs/ as we
have the lesse occasyon to vse it in them/. but one thinge I iustly iudge [15]
a manyfest error of fflatterye, that men showlde exhalte them more
then they be/. Thearbe olde tales/ that in the begynnenge/ men and
wymen wer all one and howe for their pride Iupiter did devide them/
and left them seperate/ whearby the woman remayned imparfect/ and
ever after saught hyr parfectnes of man/. The opynyon of the Philozo- [20]
phers is/ that woman is lyke to materia/ and man to fforma/ and as
forma is more parfect/ then materia, (fol. 24) So is man more then
woman/[.] Other conclusyons thear be in philozophye that well
provithe the same/ whiche I will not nowe recyte/ for thoughe many
thinges be trewe/ and manye be treated by learnenge, yet in ffamylyer [25]
taulke/ thei aught to be over passed/. The hystorye that you recyted of
Adam and Eve/ and off their temptacon^/ do not dyrectly prove yor in-
tention/ ffor thoughe Eve wer ffyrst assayled/ yt followethe not bye
and bye/ that she was the strongar and valyaunter/ but rather the
weaker and easyer to be overcum/. ffor in assawltes off Cyttis and [30]
ffortes/ you never se the battrye made whear the wall is strongest/ but
whear it is weakest/ whear ye dyches be shallowest/ and the deffence
rarest/ for whan an entrye is made to one parte the residue is the soner
A fflood dothe not breake downe and eate whear the earthe is [35]
[p. 107]
stronge and ffyrme/ but whear it is soft and brokyn/ into the whiche
beinge once entered yt ragithe with ffurye/ and beatethe downe as
mutche as standethe agaynst yt/ be yt never so stronge/ thearfore no
argument makethe so moche agaynste you as this in the whiche you
semed to put a greate grounde of yr fforesaide opynyon/. And for this [5]
offence of or ffyrst parentes/ thear be so manye that have dyversly
wrytten in yt/ that I cannot tell what to saye off yt. Sum thinke yt
was not of pride and ambition/ but of pleasure/ and inordenate appetite/
and sum thinke otherwyse/ so that I wyll not stande to dyscusse yt/.
One thinge I mutche marvell/ that ye attribute to them sutche vertues [10]
off the mynde/ whearin they never had prayse. Of their notable charytie
and ffaythe ye make sutche a doe/ as all or staye of religio* did depende
vppon them/. As for their ffaythe (qd Iohn@ burghese) I will not speake,
but their charytye and allmes dede is verry (fol. 25) notable in one
Signyfycacon^/ ffor of them selves/ and their bodis they be so liberall/ [15]
yt the dystribution of yt to vs men must nedes be celebrated/. Iohn@
Burghese (qd the Coutesse*) you have comytted* two errors/ one in speak-
enge iniuriously of vs/ another in takinge the tale owte of a nother
mannis mowthe/. Nay (qd he) I am preveleged to speake when I lyst/
not wthstondenge I wyll hear master camyllo/. Then (qd he) I saye that [20]
the lightnes off beleve/ and redynes of credyte is a thing of small
prayse/ for they ar as prone to beleve the yllusyons of the dyvell/ as the
vysyons of aungelles/ wch thinge yr sellf was ffayne to confesse/ and aught
in dede to call yt bye an other name then by faithe. ffor whear as they
take, be yt never so bad they holde yt wth marvelous obstinacye/ wch [25]
you withe a clenly tearme called constancy. all the worlde is full of
their wytchcraft and sorcerye/ they devise every daye charmys and in-
cantacons^ wch be repognant to the Scriptures/. and in this behalf they
be moste to lack/. and yf wymen had byn so mete for cyvyll Iustyce/
as ye make them, then had not Calphronia byn occasyon of ye decree/ wch [30]
for bad wymen to cum in place of Iudgement/ for thoughe sum of them
can shewe at the begynnenge sum forme of wysedom and reason/ yet in
fewe wordes thei declare them selves as Calphronia dyd in Rome
agaynste the thre pryncis of the same/ they be lyke to the ffoolis that
sum noblemen have/ whiche at the fyrst sight/ shewythe a cowntenauce* [35]
[p. 108]
of wyse interteignement/ but cannot longe hyde their folyshe nature/
and yt was not the envye of men that bereft them this pryveledge/ but
the weakenes of them selves wch muste have cawsed great inconvenyens,
for men be not so sone allured wth vayne sightes of wymen as ye wolde
make them nor did not prohybyte their handelenge of (fol. 26) Cawsis [5]
for fear of their temptacon^/ but for the preservacon^ of the integrytie off
Right and Iudgement/. What shall I nede to speake mutche of theyr
variable nature/ all bookes be full of yt/ they never contynue longe in
one thaught/ nor one love[:] and one thinge moste certeynly declarethe
their Imᵱfection/ that the tallest woman that is/ wolde gladly be the [10]
meanest man in the worlde/ and thearfore ye maye see it is a naturall
instinction that teachethe them a desyer to the parfection/ whiche
thinge yf they did not acknowledge of man/ and for the same be glad
to serve hym we shoulde have no rule of them/. And he yt showlde go
a bowte to delyver them from yt shall bringe them to worse condycon^/ [15]
evene as he shoulde make the noble lyon/ a vyle and ffearefull gote/
that wolde go a bowte to heale hym of the ffever wch he hathe naturallye
as proper to his kinde/. And to cum to the consideracon^ of the order
and purpose of creation/ can ye denye me/ but that man is more
excelent/ then woman/ as the agent is more worthye then the patient. [20]
The worke man that makythe an ymadge or statue of a pece of marble/
is more worthe then the verry ymage/ and the ffyer that burnethe the
wood, is of more dignytie in burnenge/ then the wood is Sufferenge
yt self to be burned/. And I thinke that better yt wer for the worlde
to have the olde ffables trewe/ that thinges wer create by myracle/ as [25]
mynerva of Iupyters brayns/ and Mars by an herbe that made Iuno wth
childe/ or to have in one bodye bothe kindes/ accordinge to plato his
opynyon/. then to be thus seperate and let wymen have the Sovereintye/.
And all that you can saye by wymen in forme of the bodye/ maye be
aswell saide of men and more to wth lesse incombrance of naturall [30]
defectes/ then woman hathe/ and thinges that ye reprehende in man
deserve moste prayse/ as his berde/ (wch as Cicero sayeth) (fol. 27) is
geven hym for an ornament. The place of creation/ shewethe playnelye
the dyfference of or parfection/ for every man knowethe that a woman
is formed in the lefte side/ and man in the right side of the bodye/ and [35]
[p. 109]
every man seethe that the right side gevethe the ffyrst mocon^ to man/
and he that movethe by reason settethe his right foote before/ and in
doenge of anye thinge the right side is promptest/ wch is well declared
by the names of bothe/ in or tonge we call the lefte side the Imparfect
and the side of wante/. the wch the mocons^ of the heavens declare/ wch [5]
is from the east to the west/ as from the right to the lefte/. And the
order of the Earthe is for honors sake to put a man to the right hande/
and the Scripture sayethe/ that all the last daye/ when every man shalbe
iudged accordenglye/ the good shall go on the right side/ and the evill
on the left/. [10]
And all the prayse that you geve to the lenytie of wymen/ is so well
knowen to have byn theyr awne destruccon^/ and mens to/ as yt wer
better they had yt not/ then to have yt wth sutche dyscommodytye/.
And whear ye gave them/ the prayse as of a rare thinge/ for not beinge
bawlde/ me thynkethe you might vse yt to the contrary ffor in my sight [15]
it is ffayre to se the hedd voide of hearis in a man/ wch you dyd somoche
commende in the fface of a woman/. And whear as you shewed yor
sellffe a marvelous paynter in describinge all the ffeatures of a womans
bodye/: yf you will geve me leave/ I will prove that it neyther hathe
proportion/ nor good fforme/ in yt/. Whiche thinge I wyll not speake [20]
to reprove god or nature/ but to make you vnderstonde that their shape
do deserve/ no sutche prayse as you attribute vnto yt/. ffor the wyes men
of naturall dyscourse have lefte in writeng/ that the iust proportion of
a man wolde be the lengthe of nyen hedds/ that is to saye nyne tymes
as highe as is from the lowe parte of the chynne to the heighthe (or [25]
(fol. 28) as we call yt/ the crowne of the hed) and that I call an hed/
that is from the ende of the throte vpwarde/ that yff ye drawe a lyne/
from the lowest parte of the chynne to the highest parte of the hed/.
the same nyen tymes in lengthe is the iust stature of mannis proporcon^/
the whiche generall rule/ is aswell vnderstande/ by the woma* as by the [30]
man/. and yf it be so/ every man maye see that can take the iust mea-
sure/ howe muche a man excellethe the woman and howe ffarr she is
inferior/ in this due proportion/.
Well quod the Countesse/ yf you have none other matter but mea-
sures/ and proportions/ we have no great ffear of you/. yt is parte of [35]
[p. 110]
the prayse (qd he) that was geven vnto you/. and thearfore muste be
Lett hym saye his ffyll madam (qd master Orlando/) and then I or
sum other shall have tyme to confute hym/. I am content (qd he) and
to procede I saye/ as for Arystotle that was so abused by a woman/ yt [5]
dothe not derogate the trewythe of his wrightinge/. the wysest hedds
beinge intangled/ wth love/ fallethe to moste inconvenyence/. And yf
you wolde prayse wymen for any thinge/ ye might well do yt for this/
that they have devyses to all thinges of wantonnes/ whear by they blear
the eyes of all men/. Nowe to touche a lyttle of your notable wymen by [10]
name[:] and ffyrst of the Sybilles/ and other prophetesses/ I saye they
might well sumtyme speake of thinges to cum/ bycawse the dyvell who
had ever moste powre and aucthorytie over them/. was their scolemr/
and suffred them to be madd/ and speake thinges/ that sum tymes hap-
pened trewe accordinge to the ᵱverbe/ ffoolis and children/ be best [15]
prophetes. and as the spryte of god/ have entred many tymes into men/
so the spryte & furye off mallyce entrethe ever into wymen/. As for
the prayse that Sainct Ierrom gave to wymen/ he cowlde do no lesse/
eyther for affection/ or for dutye or to allure men the better/. And yf
you will nedes shewe forthe yor englyshe woman that was made pope/, [20]
(fol. 31) whye wyll ye not allso/ shewe hyr dyshonesty so longe vsed
wth her Scoller/ that she traveled of childe openlye/ to the great dys-
honor of that holy See/. And yf thear be sutche a synguler guyft in
them of wrytenge as ye ascribe vnto them/ why do they not dyscusse
matters of ffaythe? whye dothe St paule ffor bid them to teache/ whye [25]
ar they not suffered in Comon* Counseylles/[?] And the matter is many-
fest ynoughe/ that to declare the powre of god & his myracles/ ffoolis
and wymen have sumtyme don ffeates of prayse. as they did whome ye
namid owte of the scripture/ but yf it had byn the pleasure of god/
men might have donne them aswell or muche better/. And your heathen [30]
wymen and quenes whome ye sett so forthe for buildenge of the Cyttis/
ye might aswell sett forthe for buyldenge of places & previleges to all
abhomynable myscheve/[.] Off the Chrystyan Quenes I can speake but
honorablye/ yet I thinke that quene ysabell had mutche prayse ffor the
dedis of kynge fferrando. I can well beleve Cesar of the ffrence ffacion/ [35]
[p. 111]
in takinge councell of the wymen/ and yet the wymen in that region
bear a greate stroke/ & is the cawse that their enterprysis cum to so lyttle
honor as they doe/. The prayse that you geve them of Eloquens/ was
the cawse of many a manis rewyn/ and their owne to/. wch torned the
state of Rome vpsedowne/ and for one that saved a Cyttye or a contreye/ [5]
you might bringe in an hondrethe/ that have destroyed/ and yf they
refrayne from doenge sutche thinges as be odious in the worlde/ yt is
not bycawse they lack will to do them/ but powre and strengthe/. I am
sure you maye ffynde ynowe that have byn crewell/ as Medea/ and
Progne and manye other/ and I thynke yt wer better for them to be [10]
lesse stowte in harte/ yan (fol. 32) to stonde vppon the reputacon^ in
mariage wch you all so praysed in them/ ffor it dothe but increas their
pride/ and otherwyse might remedye a thowsand [inconveniences.]
And to make an ende of this longe talke yt maye be evidently sene/ what
they be by the greate errors and dysspleasures that they brynge men to/ [15]
as to comytt* ydolatrye (as they did Salamon) and lose the ffavor of god
for ever/. ffrom the wch god blysse me and all this companye/.
When Mr Camyllo/ had saide thus and sumwhat pawsed/ Iohn@
Burghese began to speake/ affyrmenge that he was glad/ that Mr Camyllo
had saide so well/ that the wymen shoulde not thinke their cawse so [20]
shewer/ but indyfferent men might see the trewythe/ and for my parte
(quoth he) I wolde not that any man shoulde thinke I am partiall in
wymens cawsis/ and yet I cannot agree they showlde be made more then
they bee/. Naye (quoth the Countesse) your indyfferencye is so well
knowen vnto vs/ as yf we wyll tearme yt right/ we muste call yt ex- [25]
tremytie/. ffor ye will not admytt/ any thinge well donne by wymen/
or well saide of them/. but yt makethe no matter/ for hear be gentle-
men/ that canne saye their opynyon in bothe partes/ and we ar as well
content to heare/ what can be saide agaynste vs/ as wth vs/. And thear-
fore Mr Orlando shall resume the matter a ffreshe/ and Mr Camyllo shall [30]
do the like and when they have donne other shall supply their partes/.
In good ffaythe Madam (quothe Mr Orlando) I am redy to mayntayne
the cawse/ and knowe howe to do yt. but I had rather sum other off
theas gentlemen/ wolde take the thinge in hande/ wch can do yt better
then I/. As for that (quothe the Countesse) shalbe donne hearafter/ nowe [35]
you must go on wth yt/ bycawse you have had our concent to do yt/.
yf yt be so yor pleasure (quoth he) I will doe accordenglye/ and sumwhat
repeate of that Mr Camyllo hathe saide wch in my tale I passed over
lightlye/ bycawse thinges that might (as he saide) be (fol. 33) dyssputed
by learnenge/ cannot so well be braught into ffamylyer taulke/ of the wch I [5]
tooke sum of them to be/ wch he hathe at the full dyscussed/. I see no
cawse (quothe Mr Camyllo) but I may treate of any thinge that learned
men have dysscussed/ and seing he that reported this talke in wrightynge
did expresse mutche more strange matter then this/ I knowe not but in
wordes we may a lyttle touche the same/. yet (quothe the Countesse) [10]
thear is a regarde to be had for sum thinges maye be well donne that maye
not be well spoken/ and thearfore I beseke you forbear as mutche as you
canne/. As for my parte (quoth Mr Orlando) I am content/ and will reherse
nomore then hathe byn allredye towched/. And whear as he gave a prefer-
ment to man/ bycawse he was the agent/ and the woman the patient yf that [15]
ye will consider the tyme/ the travell/ the payne that the woman takethe
he shall eyther ffinde that she is the agent or that thear is no agent at
all/. And ffor the seconde poynte/ wch he put[,] in the place of creation/
no man awght to dowbte/ but that the lefte side is more noble then the
right/ for the susteynenge and bearenge vp of the whole bodye is by the [20]
lefte side/ ffor ellse thothr movinge the bodye showlde ffall/ so that yt is/
as the ffowndacon^ to the rest/ wch is better then all thother partes/. This
thinge is allso knowen by the infyrmytis/ that grewethe in the sides/ wch
be moste daingerous in the lefft bycawse thear consystethe the harte &
ffownedation of lyffe/. and yt is not allwais trewe that thear is moste [25]
ᵱfection/ whear is moste operacon^/ for then slaves and drudgis sholde be
better then craftes men and artyficers/. but that that gevethe vertu to
another to worke is so mutche the more noble as yt movethe lesse/. as
god is vnmovable and wthowte variacon^ and yet movethe all thinges/ the
wch thinge is seene by the left side/ wch beinge the begynnenge and cawse [30]
of motion/ and working to thother partes/ yt restethe allwais Immovable/
not bycawse yt is the worse/ but by cawse yt conteynethe the harte/
whear the blood is purefyed/ and the ffowntayne off those Spyrites/ wch
by their ffynenes do peerse (fol. 34) the hole bodye and cawse yt to
move/ thearfore the lefte side/, whear the woman is conceyved, is more [35]
[p. 113]
noble then the right/, whear the man is formed/[.] And as for the name
yt you proved the contrarye/ you shall vnderstonde that the comon* sorte
gyve yt the name of the effectes that be apparant/ rather then of the
vertue and hid valor/ and thearfore they gave yt the name of want/
bycawse they did not vnderstonde/ that yt hadd more noble operation/. [5]
Plato denyethe any right hande or left hande to be in heaven/ but in
respect to vs/. ffor yf the heavens have movid allwais/ yt had no begyn-
nenge from whence yt shoulde move and so have nether^ left nor right
side/ but yf it have not allwais movid/ butt had begynnenge/ and shall
have endinge as we Χρians@ beleve/. the lefte side is mutche the more [10]
noble/ as rest is better then travell/ for he movithe from the easte to the
west/ that is from the right side to the left/ and so from the este begyn-
nethe to seke his welthe/ and in the west wch is the left side/ restethe/
and pawsethe wth quyetnes/ as one that hathe obtayned that he saught
for/. And yf thear wer in god/ any qualytye of membrs/ and dissposition [15]
of bodye/ as thear is not/ by cawse he is incorporall/ and incompre-
hensible/ paradventure I wolde confesse vnto you thear wer in hym allso
dystynction off place/ but whensoever the separacon^ off sowlis shall cum/
it is of reason to be beleved that the Angelles and sowls of good men
shall stonde rounde abowte Allmightye god/ to enioye the sight of hym/ [20]
wch is a ioy incomperable/ he beinge the originall/ and ende of all ioye/
and ffelicitie/ wth the wch I will make an ende of this matter/.
And whearas you saide mutche of the iust proporcon^/ of mannis
shape/ ye must vnderstonde/ that wymen have their determynate shape
appoynted/ wch is vij handfulles and an halfe/ and everye hande is nyne [25]
ynchis/ to be taken of a reosonable syes/ as the measure of the hed of the
wch (fol. 35A) you spake muste be so lykewyes/ in somoche as you
cannot by that argument obiect any thinge agaynste the worthynes off
wymen/. Nowe to go further I saye that all the vertue of men and
wymen concysteth in the bodye and the mynde/. and yt is well knowen [30]
that the myndes be equallye ᵱfect/ in bothe/ so that speakenge indyffer-
ently/ thear is no dyfference betwixt man and woman concernenge the
mynde/. That is not so (qd Iohn@ burghese) ffor Aristotle sayethe/ that
thear is lyttle dyfference betwene wymen/ and beastes/ and Maghomt
affirmethe that wymen have no sowlles but dyethe wth the bodye as other [35]
[p. 114]
creaturs voide of reason/. yff Arystotle be of that opynyon (quoth the
Countesse) he is agaynste hym self and all other Philozophers (as I have
hard say) wch indyfferently appoyntethe to men and wymen the Immor-
talytie of the sowle[.] As for Maghomet I care not mutche ffor [him]/
for he hathe so many fonde opynyons in his Alcoron/ that I will not [5]
labor to reprove this/. So that Mr Orlando nede not passe of this obiec-
tion/ but go on withe his matter as he was determyned/.
Then (quothe Mr Orlando) yf thear be any dyfference of parfection
betwene man and woman/ yt procedethe of the operacons^/ the wch be
derived of the instrumentes of the bodye/. and thearfore the more par- [10]
fect the instrumentes be/ the better be the operacons^./ I praye you
(quoth the Countesse[)]/ declare this by sum example/ that we poore
wemen may understande yt the better/. Madam (quothe he) I wyll geve
ye an example/ wch shalbe playne/ and that is this/. Thear be two men
that can wright excellently well and have equall connynge/ is it not then [15]
lyke that he that hathe the better penne shall wright the better hande? that
is trewythe (quothe the Countesse) the same is to the vnderstonde (quothe
- he) in the instrumentes of men and wymen/. And ( 35B) heare ye
muste geve me leave to speake a lyttle Scolastycallye/[.] ffor the in-
strumtes be named/ Symple/ and Organycall/[.] the body is the instru-[20]
ment Organyck of the sowle[;] wch is considered two wais/ in shape and
complexion/ of the varietie of the whiche commethe all the dyfference
of or operasyons/, and whye/ Sum be fools/ and sum be wyes/[.] by the
shape no man makethe any argument of parfection/ but of the com-
plexyon/ wch in man is hot and dry & in a woman cowlde and moyste/. [25]
the body hathe fowre pryncypall humors/ coler[,] fflewme/ blood/ and
Melancholy/. in sum bodis one of theas have domynacon^ and in sum
an other/ and the generall opynyon is that man is collerick and woman/
fflewmatyque. and of this yt ffolowethe that I purpose to prove/ that
thoughe wymen be of the flewmatyque complexion and men of the con- [30]
trarye/ yet by thoperacon^ of the instrumtes the ᵱfectyon do rest in wymen/.
The wyes philozophers affyrme that the hote and drye complexion do en-
gender ffervent desyers and willes inflamyd/ so that the ffervor of this
complexion/ makethe men dysordynate and intemperate/ and thoughe
it bringethe forthe quycker wyttes and good sprytes/ yet it is so over- [35]
[p. 115]
cum wth the vehemecy* of affections/ that raege destroyethe reson, and
good witt is evill imployed/ and thearfore the complexion of wymen/
that is contrarye to this/ muste nedes prove in them to be/ more tem-
perate condycons^ and stayed desyers/. And becawse the appetites off
wymen be ffewe and weake/. reason nowe muste nedes take more place [5]
in them/ and so consequentlye/ wymen folowe reason & vnderstandinge/
and men folowe sensse and their dyshonest appetytes/. ffarther the whote
complexion hathe more nede off plentyfull nutryment/ of the wch arysethe
haboundaunce of vapours/ the wch ascendithe to the brayne/ and be
mutche hurtfull to the mynde/ and this is evidentlye sene that after [10]
meate we be nothinge so dyspoced to contemplacon^ as we be ffastenge
(fol. 36A) thearfore we maye conclude, that the whote complexion/ have
so manye dyscomoditis*, that it is not hable to countrevayle thother wch
makethe wymen temperate and obedyet* to reason/. And yf hypocrates
be of anye aucthorytie in this matter/ who hathe ever byn reputed the [15]
god of the phesycons^, the Sangwyne Complexyon/ that is peculyar of
mann/ and hote and moyste, doe make men ffoolis and to prompt to
laughter/. Nowe I wyll speake of the operacons^ and accons^/[.] And to
begynne wth strengthe/ off the whiche men make theyr great boste: yf
we wyll reason of the strengthe of bodye/ whearbye men crewellye [20]
oppresse wymen./ bycawse he is stronger/ yt hathe not so great dignitie,
nor prayse yn yt./ ffor yf man be more noble than woman bycawse he
is strongar/ than the horse/ and the oxe/ shalbe more noble then the
man: but yff you will speake of that strengthe/ wch Arystotle callethe the
shelde of morall vertues/ ye shall fynde that men doe not onelye/ not [25]
deserve to be preferred before wymen/ but rather not to be nombred
amonge stronge men/. and to speake off this ffortytude of the mynde,
by the whiche so manye trobles and myseris, so manye sorrowes and
dyseasis/ ar suffered to bridle/ the brutyshe/ and sensuall desyers, I shall
not nede to recite vnto you hystoris or provynces/ ffor thear is never a [30]
poore towne nor borroughe/ but ye maye ffynde infynyte wymen/ that
daylye suffer the tormentes of their howsbandes/ and yet be content
withe them/ and onelye doe love them/. Temperance is indyfferent to
men and wymen/. and yet the proper prayse off yt is of wymen/. Off
Temperaunce comethe* the lawdable and good Companyons of vertue [35]
[p. 116]
wch is shamefastenes/ modestye abstynence[,] honestye/ Sobryetie/ and
integrytie. off the wch yf thone be wantenge in a woman all other vertue
is so corrupted and spotted as all the water of the great fflood Poo is
not hable to washe yt off/. And whear yt is certeynely thaught of
allmen/ that wymen be more desyrous of carnall lust then men/ yt is [5]
well seene that withe great constancye/ they bridle that affection and
all theyr lyffe/ kepe them trewe to their (fol. 36B) promis that they
make/ whearas men ar never content/ but styll ronne at rovers wth-
owte regarde/ insomoche as he is cownted a ffoole nowe adayes/ that
is of other opynyon./ And thearfore Arystotle knowenge the evill [10]
dyssposicon^ and mynde of men/ geve them warenenge to beware of
strange wymen who never gave precept to wymen to beware of strange
men/ bycawse he parceaved they had no nede/[:] and all thoughe
lycentious poetes/ do baye and bable that no woman wyll denye so
she have comodyti* and be desyred/ let them baye as mutche as they [15]
will/ ffor allthoz thearbe a ffewe that have for gott them selves/ yet the
nomber is infynyte of them that have shewed marvelous prove off con-
tynencye and daylye doe/. And yff yt be trewe that Heraclitus sayethe/
that it is harder to resyst pleasure/ then angre, howe mutche aught
wymen to be praised, whome not the absence of their husbandes, nor [20]
the intysementes of their ffrendes have byn hable to/ remove from their
ᵱmysed ffaythe/[:] and of theas hystoris bothe awntient/ and preasant
be full/ and or noble poet of Toscane, ffraunces Petrarke/ cowlde ffynde
an infenyte nomber of wymen to honor his tryumphe of Chastytie/
whearas of men he fownde none or verrye ffewe/. And the Romayns [25]
when they buyldyd the temple off Chastitie/ they did consecrate yt by
a woman/ and not by a man/ knowenge more honestye and contynencye
in their kynde/ and this is well proved by the wordes of god in the
Creacon^/ when he saide, let vs make man an helpe/ that is for his
inconstancye/ and might well call yt an helpe ffor wthowte woman man [30]
had byn but a thynge of nawghte/[.] The cawse whye wemen be so
banyshed wth the crosse/ when anye of them dothe a mysse/ is becawse
thearbe so ffewe yt dothe yt/ that every man cryethe owte of them/ when
they do yt/[:] ffor everye (fol. 37) woman is not by and by so inclyn-
able to a man his request/ as theye of small vnderstandinge/ do iudge/ [35]
[p. 117]
bycawse she is gentle in her behavior and interteigneng of men/. ffor
a man cannot make an argument strayghtwaye of the affabylytie of
wymen/. and of the curtesse talke of them/ as of or gentlewymen off
Sciena, and off prynces Courtes/ the wch for the honor of theyr place/
must fforce them selves to shewe a famylyar gentlenes/[:] as for other [5]
lett/ them vse as their contrye alowethe/ and go no further/. ffor I doe
not intende to prayse wymen for anye thynge that is not prayse worthye/
and to kepe me wthin my bondes/. I saye that for as mutche as a woman is
more ware, she is allso more temperate/ and thearfore as oft as desyer of
mynde/ or ffragiliti of bodye or instigation of vs men/ (wch never ceas [10]
to provoke them) comethe* before their eyes, shamfastnes and ffeare of
infamye apperethe vnto them/ that they doe rather concent to dye (yf
case so requyrethe) then to aventure their honor to be loste/ in a moment/.
I thinke (quothe the Countes) you have donne to greate an iniurye a
gaynst wymen/ agaynste yor will/ when you saye that shame and ffeare [15]
makethe vs lyve honestlye/ and to overcum our appetites/[.] Had it not
byn better to have attributed yt to the love of vertue/ to ye desyer of
honor/ and the hate of vyce[?] and thus mutche I am so bowlde to saye
bycawse I wolde leave no matter of cavillacon^ to Mr Camyllo/ who me-
thaught began to rowse hym selffe/ for ioye that he had gotten sutche [20]
an occasyon/.
Naye (saide he) I am not so weake a warryour as I lack armewre
to ffight a gaynste hym, and you to, yff I wer dyspoced/ but I will not
doe what I might doe becawse you cannot suffer to be overcum/.
Madam (qd Mr Orlando) have ye no feare of any thinge that I saye/ [25]
for I will prove that same resspect of wymen (fol. 38) to be fur above
anye that men have/ for they in everye place and tyme/ that occasyon
is geven them/ folowe the rase of their raege/ and neyther shame/ ffeare
of infamy, love of vertue/ nor hate of vyce dothe reteigne them/ no nor
the respect of amytie[,] the bonde of parentage/ dutye nor office nor [30]
any thinge can reffrayne them ffrom the accomplyshement of their fonde
appetytes/. And thearfore I saye that intemperaunce (wch is the pecu-
lyar vyce of men) is the cawse whye/ they waxe lyke beastes withoute
reason/ and who is not more afraide off the ffurye of a dronken man/
then off the rage of any brewit beaste/ and yet thearbe that saye that [35]
[p. 118]
sutche men (yf they deserve so to be called) have more reason in them/
then anye woman/. And yf I showlde demawnde/ when men go to
drynke so moche/ whether they be then dronke or sober/. yff they be
dronke, we muste allwais call them ffoolis yf they be Sober/ howe can
we saye that they have good Iudgement/ to teache and governe other/ [5]
when they suffer them selves to be transformed ffrom men to beastes/[?]
and ffewe of vs can name anye wymen that once have sufferid them
selves to be so overseene at anye tyme/ as the moste ᵱte of men be
manye tymes/. Thearfore by cawse or actions be moste sure testymonis
of or mynde/ and we see that the moste parte of men/ be incontynent/ [10]
and lascivious, maye we not/ necessarylye conclude that whear thear is
no sutche deffect in wymen/ that they be a greate deale more parfect
in theas vertues then men be/. Nowe lett vs learne of theyr further
demeanure/ seinge the vertue of lyberalytie is a meane betwene the ex-
tremytis/ of prodigalytie/ and covetusnes/. yf I can declare vnto you/ [15]
that they, by theyre wyse doenges be neyther prodygall nor covetous/.
Cann ye denye me but they muste nedes be liball^/ and consequentlye
(fol. 39) vertuous/[?] that generally they not be ᵱdigall/ yt is evidentlye
seene in them/ that be left widowes of theyr husbandes/ amonge whome
you shall fynde ffewe or none/ that have wastid the goods/ wch her [20]
husbande left her but rather withe wysdome and lawfull wais increased
yt/ Whear as contrarye you shall ffynde ffewe men/ wch yf theye maye
spende at their pleasure/ but that consume all/ and more to/. The
cawse whearof is theyr lose lyvenge/ suffrenge them selves to be wrapped
in the snares of dyshonest pleasure/ and sensualytie to overcum reason/ [25]
and so bycawse theye have no vse of reason them selves/ nor wyll
receave it at other/. They cast a waye rashelye their substaunce in a
shorte tyme/ that wth mutche payne hathe byn longe agettenge/[.] And
of this foloethe covetusnes/ ffor when they have spent all theyre owne
goodes/ they begyn to covet other menns/ of the wch followethe so many [30]
prevye robberis/ so manye open thefftes[,] so manye murthers/ and
occysyons/ as I am ashamyd to reherse them/. In the bestoweg* of their
allmos for god his sake/ we se howe wemen releve the poore/ and sutche
as have nede/ and geve yt not ffondlye awaye to ffoolis and scoffers as
men doe/. thearfore yf they do not consume theyr owne/ nor covet [35]
[p. 119]
other menns/ but spende wyselye in their busynes/ howe can anye
manne dowbte but in the vertue of lyberalytie they do ffarr exced
men/. Why shoulde I not shewe wth what Iustyce they vse them
selves/ in their ffamelis/ wch is evydentlye seene in the howsis of sum
widos wch cowlde not so longe be preserved yf thear wer not a greate [5]
regarde of Iustice, and bycawse trewe Iustyce dothe not departe from
charytie/ the woman that is more charitable/ muste nedes be more
iuste/ ffor we ar wonte to saye/ that god is moste iuste/ bycawse he is
the gever of all good thinges/. I wyll not call L. Silla nor Iulius Cezar/
nor other vyolente (fol. 40) prynces liberall, thoughe they gave a waye [10]
the goodes of theyre enemys/, to them that tooke their parte/ but I will
rather call them robbers/ ffor he is lyberall that gevethe of his owne/
and yf men vse any lyberalytie it is in sum magnyfycens or pomp rather
to gett a ffame/, then for love off vertue/ whearas wymen for goddes
sake geve all to the poore/ and to the mayntenance of holye Churche/ [15]
not lokynge for prayse of men/. Yt is manyfest ynoughe that Iustyce
is more in wymen then men. bycawse the signe of Iustice is a woman/
and not a man/ and whear all nations by generall concent have agreed
to the same yt is lyke that yt procedid of Reason/. And that they do
passe men in prudence allso, it is to be gathered of that we have saide [20]
before/ for they be more temperate and contynent/ than men/ and
temperance is the preservacon^ of prudence/ of the whiche and Iustyce,
comethe* manye vertues in the wch wymen be lykewyse superior[,] as
innocensye/ religion/ pyetye/ amytie/ affection/ and humanytye/.
I am a fraide (quothe Iohn@ burgheso) you wyll give so manye [25]
vertues to wymen/ as they shall not be hable to beare them/. Well
(quothe he) in companye of theas vertues/ I wyll (as I saide) geve them
prudence allso, wch you nor noman ellse canne denye me to be moste
proper to wymen/. Thear is noman of So small dyscours/ but that he
knowethe nothinge to be so contrarye to prudence/ as soden and [30]
ffumyshe mocons^ of angre/. whiche yff they be once in wymen they
be a thowsand tymes in me*[,] and that commethe of the cowlde com-
plexion/ wch is wonte to make them lesse troblesom/ and more quyet/.
And thoughe yt be a comon* opynyon/ that wymen be best at the
sodeyne/ that makethe not a gaynste them/ ffor soden cowncell have [35]
[p. 120]
ever byn cowmpted best/ and longe delyberacon^ have manye tymes
donne hurte. (fol. 41) Whylste the Romayns dyssputed in the Senate
howse to sende Embassadors to Carthage/. the Cyttye of Sagunt that
loved them so well/ was destroyed of Annyball/[.] Yff the wymen of
Rome/ had had the matter in handlynge/ they had made shorter con- [5]
clusyon/ and savid their honor/. and preservid their ffrendes/ whearby
the warr that so longe vexed ytalye in contynuall peryll and travell/.
had byn endyd in spayne/. The noble Capytayne Iulius Cezar was
wont to saye/ that great thinges had no nede off longe delibercon^/ and
that spede for ye moste parte had the better ende/. And Thucidides [10]
wrytethe/ that thinges sodenne shewe and geve experyence of the wytt/.
for I wolde not that ye shoulde thynke that wymen take theyre soden
councell withowte dyscourse/. but by the ffynenes and subteltye of
theyr vnderstandig*, wch commethe bycawse theyr sprites ar more Sub-
tyll/ and soner percethe the vnderstandynge/. And thoughe theyre [15]
Coldenes might hynder their dyscourse/ yt it is so medlyd withe ffyne-
nes off wytt and Iudgement/ that the temperature is sutche as maye
provide agaynste all soden and greate Chaunce/. Nowe to sum par-
tycularytie/ off prudence/[:] is yt not a comon* opynyon of all men/ that
it is no lesse vertue to kepe a thinge that is gotten/ then to gett yt/ as [20]
Augustus Cezar notably dyd saye/ when he marveled at Allexander
magnus/ wch was sorye he showlde be in ydlenes/ by cawse he cowlde
not tell what to doe/ when he had overcum all the worlde/ as thoughe
yt showlde not have byn a greater travell quyetly to kepe/ then valy-
antlye to gett/. The Governinge of thinges gotten and the concervacon^ [25]
of an howse appartaynethe to wymen/. And everye daye wee See those
howsis to doe evill that be not governed off wymenne/. When the
man hathe donne his Indevor in marchandyse/ and hathe sayled so manye
seas/ wth sutche dainger and suffraunce/, (fol. 42) do not ye woman
take charge of yt at home/? Howe manye howsis for lack of womyn [30]
be yn sutche dysorder/ as is evyll to heare/? Howe manye cum to
worse/ and worse for lack of wymen/. Howe manye off the contrarye
side/ by the rule of wymen do increas and fflorrishe/ and be of greate
ffame/. And consider them that be braught vp of theyr ffathers/ howe
unsemelye, how vncerteynlye they go/ howe lyttle regarde is had of [35]
[p. 121]
them/. whearby so many vntaught yonge men have succeded in or age,
as is a greffe to see/. What a greater Consolacon^ can a man have/
then a mothr a wyffe or a Syster/. that ffaythefully cann governe her
ffamelye/. and have one and a dyscrete woman wth whome he maye
partycipate his caers when he comethe* home at night/. Thear is none [5]
other waye to fflye solytarynes the mother of melancoly and pensyvenes
but this/. And yff Sycknes comethe* or any other thynge/ that is cawse
off greffe (as happenethe everye daye) thear is no ᵱson in whome we
can so well trust/ as in or owne wyves/ and thear is none other cawse
whye we trust her/ but for that we knowe hyr so skyllfull/ as she wyll [10]
not be over seene, and so iuste/ as she will not be dysceyved. Thear-
fore we maye well truste the woman/ wch in wysedome and Iustyce
excedeth the man/. Besides this, wymen be off moste gentle mynde/
they robbe not/ they kyll not/ they burne no mans howse/ rather theye
doe resyste all sutche errors/. Whearfore seinge it is proper to them to be [15]
of meke mynde (as Arystotle sayethe) they have this guyft of god more
then anye man/. And yff we wyll rightlye Consider/ the excellencye and
naturall parfection that wymen have/. thear is no dowbte but we men
shoulde confesse that to be in them/ that is moste trewe/[.] Take what
man/ what soldyer/ what Conqueror you wyll/ and he wyll confesse that a [20]
woman hathe byn lady and mystres (fol. 43) off his harte/: and yf that be
so/ whye have we not a comawndyment* to agree withe the noble parfection
off wymen/. What man did ever optayne the love of a woman/ but he was
ffayne to desyer her/ ffayne to make sute vnto her/ was ffayne to beseche
her/ and when we do ffyrste offer orselves/ and geve or hartes to receave [25]
theirs/ yt muste nedes folowe that their worthynes is more then owers/.
I wyll not alowe this (quothe Iohn@ burghese) to be allwais trewe/
that he that makethe sewte is allwais inferior/ for to bringe or purpose to
passe/ we shewe a marvelous Submyssyon/ and make them beleve manye
thinges/ that be not trewe/. You have well declared (qth the Cowntesse) [30]
what craftye fflatterars ye be/ and howe that ye shewe yor wylie nature/
in that ye be so great dyssemblers/. Madam (quothe Mr Orlando) all
makethe for you/ ffor you never see a ritcheman aske anye thinge of a
poore man/ thearfore seinge we praye and desyr/ we Conffesse or povertye
and inferioritie/. And I wyll saye ffurther/ that nature gave men the [35]
[p. 122]
strengthe of bodye/ for none other respect/ but that they showlde gett
wymen those thinges/ that wer necessarye for their lyvenge/. And
ffurther we see that men never refused them selves/ to be put to a
thowsande fawltes/ and daingers to deffende wymen/. wch thinge declareth
their Nobilitie/ and maye be proved by example/. ffor as the arme is [5]
ffarr more vnnoble then the hedd/ yet to deffende the hedd/ yt re-
ceavethe many tymes verrye sore woundes/. howe manye prynces?/
how manye knightes?/ how manye Capytayns/? have suffred so sharpe
perilles/ so dayngerous assais/ ffar from their contrye/. And all to de-
ffende a woman/. And thearfore I maye make an ende/ that all honor [10]
and nobylytie concyste in woman and that generallye they be full of
vertue and parfection/: and doe mutche marvell that for the ffawlte of
Sum one/ men wylbe so crewell to blame all/.
In (fol. 44) ffaythe (saide the Countesse) the cawse of that is/ that
whear as men be so farre gon in doenge yll/ as yt apperethe a greate [15]
matter yff one doe well/. And contrarye wymen beinge vnyversally
geven to doe well/ they make a marvelous matter yf one do evyll/. In
dede Madam (quothe he) yor reason is moste trewe/. and I thynke you
might and cowlde/ aswell answer to the reste/. But bycawse you ap-
poynted me to the thinge/ I will make an ende of yt/[.] And so to [20]
speake sumwhat of knowlege I saye thear be two kyndes/ thone naturall
the other gotten withe Studdye/. in the naturall the cheffe honor is
geven to the woman/ by cawse by the opynyon of wyse men/ they in
lesse tyme cum to the ᵱfectyon thearof/: in the other/ thoughe men ex-
cede, yt is not greatlye to theyr prayse/. bycawse wymen be not suffred [25]
to trye them selves in the Scoles and other places/ of exercis as men
be/: ffor yf they wer I doe not dowbte/ that they in shorte tyme wolde
not onelye be equall wth men/ but allso fur go beyonde them/. And as
men be in sum thinges/ more ᵱfect. then wymen/ as in the boysteous
strengthe of the bodye/ appoynted vnto them by thorder of nature, so [30]
yf nature had not geven more wisedom to wymen/, I wolde saye/ she
wer a verry stepp dame/[:] and thoughe I maye conclude before I go
anye further/ yet I will recorde howe Iustyce is loved by wymen, howe
they refrayne from the usurpacon^ of other mens goodes/, and remayne
contented wth theyr owne honors/[.] Nowe I knowe that to gentlemen [35]
[p. 123]
of Noble hartes this that I have saide wyll suffice, yet peradventure sum
thear be/ so obstynate that they wyll ffinde fawltes at the matter/. And
whear as I might have ample ffelde to speake of the bewtye of wymen/.
and of their goodlye shape whiche passethe all other creatures/ I wyll
not ioyne the bodye wth the mynde nor mortalytie wth Immortalytie/ [5]
and thearfore not havinge byn able to exalte the woman kynde as the
same (fol. 45) deservethe, to satysfye yr will,/ I have saide thus mutche/.
and wolde be glad to hear sum other/ to saye more that can saye better/.
you make an end to sone allwais (quothe the Countes) and wolde
have other men to take yor office in hande whiche they will not doe/. [10]
And I wolde have you to go throughe wth it/ bycawse you arr or vnd-
owbted Champyon/. Madam (quothe he) I leave, bycawse I wolde
not be tedious/ neyther to you/ nor none other[,] for thoughe I ffavor
the cawse/ yet I must have a respect to the tyme/. Naye (qth Iohn@
burghese) ye leave, bycawse your matter ffaylethe you/ and muste have [15]
sumtyme to seke for more/. And I marvell you ffynde not that ffawlte
wth yor advrsary for he is a great deale shorter then he nedethe/. He
maye be as longe as he will (quothe the Countes) and so maye you to/
for or cawse is sewer ynoughe/. in dede madame (quothe Mr Camyllo)
we might be bothe longer in or matters/ but to what purpose/ he is con- [20]
tent wth mesurable tyme in his praysis/ and I seke not mutche matter to
dyssprayse/ but onely am ledd/ withe the fforce off trewthe/. wch movethe
me to saye sumwhat to that wch he hathe last spoken/. I praye you
saye what you will (quothe the Countesse) and for my parte I shalbe
glad to heare you/. I wyll not (quothe he) repeate every thinge/ but [25]
towche Sumwhat/ and lett the rest go/[.] youre dyssputacon^ of com-
plexion and humors/ made nothinge to yor purpose/. And thearfore
bycawse you be my ffrende and Companyon/ I am sorye you spende
yor tyme so in vayne/ wch peradventure you shoulde not doe/ yf you
wolde leave yor highe gate/ and dyscende a lyttle lower and be content [30]
to be sett in the right waye by sum wyseman/ that might brynge theas
wymen/ from the ffalse Credyte that theye have in you/ professinge yor
selffe to be their Champyon and Cappytayne/. And yff ye confessethe
whote and drye complexyon is proper (fol. 46) to men/ and that yt
gendrethe better Spirites and more agreynge wth reason/. and bringth [35]
[p. 124]
forthe more gentle behavyor/ then anye other Complexyon/ ye can-
not[,] for all your shyftenge, denye/ but man hathe the better case in
this behalffe/. And of this sorte of men ye maye see (and ye will) many
gevin to learnenge and vertue/. ffor thoughe in sum ffervor apperethe
in the yonge yearis, yet tyme bryngethe yt to rule and order whearby [5]
men of whot temperature doe bridle their will/ and make yt obedyent to
reason/, and prove moste forwarde men/. And I cannot tell howe ye
conclude the matter makynge men bothe of whot and drye and allso of
whot and moyste Complexion and dyssposycon^ of nature/ whiche is
cawse of so manye deffectes/ in the wch sum what might be saide/ but [10]
I wyll onelye take your owne wordes/ that wymen maye have the same
Complexyon and dysposytion of nature/ wch is cawse of so many defectes/
and then shall yor extremytie be seene, wch you vse agaynste men/.
chargynge them onelye wth a want that is common to other. And I
promys you/. I thaught men suffred to mutche iniurye/ at yor hande/ [15]
and did well parceave/ what desyer off pleasynge wymen cowlde doe/
in a wyse man as you be/. to make you perswade a thinge/ wch neyther
you nor none other can thynke to be trewe/. ffor whear as you make
wymen to be so fufylled wth all vertues/ and men wth none/ I see your
matter so ffar a wrye/ that I wyll not travell in the confutacon^ thear- [20]
off/ ffor whoe doe not see the vyces that raignethe in wymen/?/ was
not man well holpe vp by woman? of the whiche you made a great
adooe/ and wrested the word that god spake/ to a superioritie/ whear
yt was ment of an equalytie/. And do you not thinke yt a goodly helpe/
that in thende made the man to lose the ffavor of god and to be dryven [25]
owte of paradyce/? and ffor all your prayse of contynencye/ did not the
same god by his lawe/ ponyshe the incontynencye of wymen wth stonenge
to deathe? (fol. 47) Was thear anye sutche correction for man/? who
beinge so badd/ as you wolde make hym/ muste nedes have had yt and
more to/. But bycawse the makers off lawes/ sawe that men did seldum [30]
ffayle of their promis to theyr wyves/ Thynking yt to be allmoste
Impossible that a Creature of Sutche stable nature shoulde offende in
that parte/ appoynted no payne at all/. but contrarye wyse/ bycawse
wymen wer so lascyvious/ and dyshonest, they cowlde not devyse to
greate a payne to bridle their affections/. And ffor all the praysis that [35]
[p. 125]
ye gave them/ and all the shadowes that ye make them/ ye cannot hide
their ffawltes/ but ar ffayne to cover them withe sum ffayer excuse/ as
ther overmutche boldenes in talke/ and their light behavior wth men/.
yor dronken men thatt you braught in be odious/ and yf you wolde
have towlde of dronken wymen/ we shoulde have fownde them more [5]
odyous/ for they be as sone oversene/ and yf theft and all theves we[? r]
poneshed accordenglye/, ffewe wymen showlde scape vnponyshed/ wch
robb men of theyr cheffe rytches/ wch is their hartes/. And they be not
onelye not poneshed for yt/ but praysid and commendid/. And I cann
see no sutche vertue of liberalytie in them/ not knowenge to whome/ [10]
nor when to geve their gyftes/ but as their ffansye wthowte iudgement
dothe leade them/. And yf I wolde stonde vppon this/ I cowlde bringe
you in bothe reason/ and examples to the contrarye/. As I might right
well speake of their prudence/ whiche you attribute to them/ and they
be not apt to receave yt/ ffor that/ that they have, concystethe onelye [15]
in the hastynes and sodentye of tonge/ and in no deliberature of the
mynde/. And I cannot tell whye you showlde make sutche a dyssprayse
of Chyldren that be braught vpp off theyre ffathers/ whearof manye
prove well/ and ffewe of thother/[:] and in that they take the govern-
ment of their children and their howsis/ they meane yt of their (fol. [20]
48) husbandes/ and so vse yt/ and thearfore many men/ when they cum
home to their howsis thynke they go to hell/ or to hangynge/. Yt is
not allwais trewe/ that he that desyrethe a thinge of another is inferiour
vnto hym (as Iohn@ Burghese noted verrye well/.) ffor as yt maye be/
that for to have a thinge desyred/ he will submytt hym selffe/. So in [25]
other thinges he will not vse yt/. And for all the Servyce that men do
vnto wymen/ what thankes have they at ther handes/[?] even that/
they allwais procure/ that is myscheffe and destruction/ as at Troye and
other places/. As for their Science and knowlege, howe canne ye prayse
them/ seinge all learnenge bothe dyvyne/ and humayne withe other [30]
artes/, have all byn the invention of men/. and not of wymen/. So that
I canne see no sutche Cawse whye ye showlde celebrate yor wymen/
wch thynge I might towche more at large, but that I meane not to be
vehement/ and thoughe I knowe that sentence shall be geven agaynste
me/; yet I maye vse the remedye off appellacon^/ and have right at your [35]
[p. 126]
owne hande/ beinge owte of love/ as you ar nowe in love/ and looke to
have Iustyce off you in another Courte[,] that is of reason/. and not of
rage[:] and thearfore I reserve my reasons tyll a nother tyme/ know-
enge the rage to be so corrupted/ and wayed downe by the promyses and
fflatteris/ of theas ffayre ladys/ that thear is no tyme to crave Iustyce at [5]
his hande/. And this I maye saye vnto you ladis all/ that ye have
ffownde a man/ that better can dysprais men/ and consequently hym
selffe/, then prayse wymen. Well saide (quothe Iohn@ Burghese) I am
glad we have one that is not affraide to tell the trewith and that wyll
not be overcum withe the vayne mynde/ that many have by fflaterenge [10]
of wymen/. You (quoth the Cowntesse) ar ever redy to stryke vpp a
myscheffe/. and to helpe (fol. 49) fforwarde a thynge vntrewe/. Naye
a thynge moste trewe madam (quoth he) wch shoulde be well proved/
yf we wolde doe or best[.] Madam (quoth Mr Orlando) lett them do
their best/ and theyr worst to yff they will. I wolde (quoth she) they [15]
had vttered all theyr poyson/ esspesyally bycawse they pretende a for-
bearenge of theyr parte/ and a partiallyti in or parte/. No poyson
madam (quoth Mr Camyllo) but rather a purgacon^ to clense you/. and
other of infected humors of error/ whiche yff they contynue will
destroye mutche people/. I am suere (quothe she) yt shalbe helthesum [20]
physyck that you wyll mynyster/ and spetyallye when you geve yt your
adversarye/. By my trothe Madam (quothe Mr Orlando) I wolde they
wolde be/ as playne as we be/ and speake for the trewythe/. and not for
the tyme/. Naye then (quoth Mr Camyllo) lett everye man/ iudge who
speakethe to pleas/. And seinge ye wyll nedes have me saye sum thynge/ [25]
that I intendid not/ I wyll content your mynde, not vsinge any saught
or Studyed matter but that/ that all men/ in all tymes/ sithes* the
begynnenge/ have beleved and affirmed to be trewe/. Hathe not the
generall concent of all the worlde/ dryven wymen owt of Cowncell
howsis/ owte of scolis, and owte off all assemblis of Importauce*/? hathe [30]
not the vnyversall Iudgement off tyme/ proved their insufficiencye at
home and their inhabylitie abrode/? Theire councell is compared to
swarmes off Swallowes/ their talke to chatterenge of pyes/ and sutche
lyke/ their lascyvyousnes to sparrows/ and their wantonnes to goetes,
and so forthe/. What sayethe the wyes poet of them/. [35]
[p. 127]
A woman is a beaste/ mutable & vnsure
her worde is lyke the leafes of trees that longe do not endure/.
promys she kepethe none/ vnstable is her mynde/.
her wrytenge is in rennynge streame/ & changinge as the wynde/.
(fol. 50) Theyr Condycon^ hathe ever byn takyn for troblous/ obsty- [5]
nate/ and prone to all qualytie of hate and contention/. Every ma*
knowethe, that, to be trewe wch is wrytten of them/.
The bedd whearin the woman lyethe:
is full of Stryffe and vyllanye/.
The husband takethe but lyttle rest: [10]
allwais in Care and myserye.
Yt is not wthowte a dyvyne providence that a monge so manye
rewyns of Rome thear is a pece of marble savid whearin theas wordes
ar wrytten/.
Stay wayefarenge man hear is: nothynge but well/. [15]
hear is no stryffe wth man and wyfe: my name I wyll not tell/.
Than wyll I (quothe she) thou arte: dronken bebrius/.
And sayest that I am dronke/[:] lett: hym be Iudge betwene vs/.
Howe nowe wyffe (quoth he) muste: yt nedes be so/.
That thow wylt chide when thou art: deade and Styll worke me my wo/. [20]
Thear is another common proverbe/. who hathe no controversye/
hathe no wyffe/. The awntient learned man Simonides namyd a woman
to be the shipwracke of hyr husband/ the tempest of her howse[,] the
lett of rest/ the poyson of lyffe/ the payne of contynuance/ the battell off
Sumptuosytie/ the beaste of ffamylyaritie[,] and the evill of necessytie/. [25]
I have harde saye of them that cum owte of ffraunce that the ffrenche-
men describe a womann thus/ A woman is a furye/ and an hurtfull
Spyrite in the howse/. an angell/ in the Churche/. an ape in the bedd/
[p. 128]
a mule vnbrideled in the ffelde/ and a gote in the garden/. The Egip-
tians affirme/ when Nylus the fflood/ did fflowe from the ffowntayne
overwhelmynge the earthe, certeyne grownde remayned/ as a fenne, in
the whiche by the fforse of the sonne, many lyttle beastes did growe/
amonge (fol. 51) the whiche the ffyrst woman was fownde. All other [5]
Creatures wer borne in the wombe of their mothers/ onely the woman/
hadde no mother at all/. and sythens they werr borne withowte mother/
yt is evidentt that they lyve wthowte rule/, and dye wthowte order/[.]
shewerlye he hathe to endure mutche travell/, to seke mutche councell,
to muse many devisis/, and to have muche helpe/ and to loke for manye [10]
yearis/ and to chose amonge many wymen/, that wyll governe one
woman withe reason/. howe ferse so ever the lyons be/ they ffear their
keper/. The bull is braught wthin the barrs/ the bridle rulethe the
horse/ onely a woman is a beaste vntamyd/. that never losethe her
boldenes by comaundyment*, nor leavethe, hyr vyolence by governmt[.] [15]
The goddes have created men so manlye[,] so profound in Iudgement
and so strong in fforce/ that thear is nothinge so highe nor so depe/ but
that they can comprehend yt/ nor so swyft that can scape them/ nor so
stronge that canne resyst them/: but for the woman/ they have no
spurrs that can make them go/ no bands that can holde them/ no bridle [20]
that can staye them/ no lawe that can subdue them/ no shame that can
reteigne them/. no ffeare that can afraye them./ no Chastysment that
can amende them/. he is yll bested/ that muste rule them/ or correct
them/. ffor yff they take an obstynacye in the hed, all the worlde/ shall
not gett [it] awaye/. yf they be advysed of any thynge/ theye beleve yt [25]
not/. yff anye councell be geven them/ they never take yt/[.] yf they be
threpned/ they langwyshe/. yf they be cheryshed they be prowde/. yf
they have no solace/ they envye them that have yt, yf a man wynke at
them/ they becum shamlesse/. yff they be chastysed/ they be more
poysened/. And thear was never woman that cowlde pardon iniurye/ [30]
or acknowlege benefyte/. take the moste Symple woman that is/ and
she wyll sweare she knowethe as mutche as any (fol. 52) man alyve/.
Wyll ye knowe what lyttle yt is/ that wymen knowe/ and what mutche
yt is that they knowe not/ they knowe that in harde matters they canne
resolve aswell at a sodeyne determynasyon/ as yf they studyed for yt a [35]
[p. 129]
thowsand yearis/. And yf any man will speake a gaynste them. they/
take hym for a mortall enemye/. This I will saye/ that as the woman
is presumptuos that will teache a man any Councell/: so is the man
folyshe that accepteth yt/. he is a foole that takethe yt/. he is a more
foole that asketh yt/. and he is moste fole that/ followethe yt/[.] he that [5]
wyll not fall into this fondenes/ let hym hear what they saye/ and do what
he lystethe/. lett him speake fayre/ and worke fowle/. lett hym ᵱmys
mutche/ and parforme nothinge/. lett hym prayse their wordes/ and refuse
their councell/. Trewly when I remember that I am borne of a woman/
I abhorr my lyffe/ and when I thynke to lyve wth them I love my deathe/. [10]
ffor thear is none other deathe/ then to have to doe wth them/ nor none
other lyffe then to fflye from them/: When I consider wth my selffe the
occasyon whye men love them/ thear is none eye, but that maye wepe/.
nor no harte but that maye breake/ no spryte but that maye be sadd/
to se a wyseman lost wth a folyshe woman/. yff he passe the daye in [15]
ffedinge his eyes/ he lyethe the nightes in tormentes and payne/, and the
next day in Servyce and slaverye/. Sumtyme he lovethe darknes/ and
hatethe light/. Sumtyme he refusethe cumpanye/ and desyrethe soly-
tarynes/. he cann do that he wolde not/ and wyll that he cannot[.] the
councell of his ffrendes/ nor the infamy of his enemyes/ can helpe hym/. [20]
not the losse of goodes/ the hasardinge of his honor/. not the leavenge
of lyffe/ nor sekynge of deathe/ not to drawe nighe nor go ffurre of/ not
to see wth eye/ nor heare wth eare/. And wheare he might have vyctorye/.
he is all wais in warr (fol. 53) agaynste hym selffe/ and all this is bycawse
we be borne of ffleshe/[:] the brestes that we suck be ffleshe/: the armes [25]
that handle vs be fleshe/. the workes that we doe be of ffleshe/. the
men wth whome we lyve be of ffleshe/. and the wymen whome we love
be of ffleshe/. Yt is well known^ that they be borne in ffenns/ (after the
opynyon of the Egiptians) ffor ffenns have no clere water to drynke/.
no fruyte to eate/ no ffyshe to catche/ nor no grounde to beare/. Even [30]
so wymen in theyr lyves be fowle/. in their ᵱsons infamous/ in adver-
cytye ffearfull/. in prossperitie neglygent, in wordes/ ffalse/. in dedis
dowbtfull[.] in hatenge wthowte order/ and in love they be in extremes/
in gevenge they be coveteus, in receavenge thei be dyscortes/. Wyse
men have their ffame dyssparaged by them/ and Symple men their [35]
[p. 130]
lyffe in Susspence/. The awntient grekes saide/ that the fyrst woman
was created of the greate heate of the sonne/ and off the wormes of the
rotten trees in Arabia/ and they saide not a mysse. for wymen in
theyr tonges, be off ffyer/ and in manners, of corrupcon^/. Accordynge
to the diversytie of the beastes/ nature hathe placed their Strengthe/. [5]
in dyvers partes of theyr bodys/. The Egle in the beake/. The vnycorne
in the horne/. the Serpent in the tayle/. The Bull in the hedd/. The
beare in his pawe/. The horse in the brest/. The dogue in the tethe/.
The hogue in the groyne/. The dove in the wynges/ and the wymen
in theyr tonges/. The dove fflyethe not so highe/ wth the wynge/ as [10]
they wth theyr ffansye/. The catt scratchethe not so harde wth hyr pawe/
as they wth their Importunytie/. Nor the Serpent hathe not so moche
venome in theyr taylles/, and whole bodye/ as they have in their tonges.
And thearfore bycawse men can lyve wthoute wymen/. I councell yonge
men/. I beseche olde men I remember wyes men/ and I teache [15]
symplemen/ that they fflye theas wymen of yll condycon^/ even as a
common pestylence/. The lawe of plato (fol. 54) ordeigned that anye
woman of evyll ffame/ shoulde be openly dryven owte of the Cyttye/.
and that/ that woman that did amende showlde be pardoned/ exept she
had donne amys wth her tonge/. ffor wth her bodye she offendythe wth [20]
ffraylenes[,] and wth her tonge by mallyce/. O noble Plato the measure
of order and prynce of Philozophye/. what woldest thowe have donne
in theas or dayes/ when thearbe so manye wymen of evyll ffame open/.
and so ffewe good secrett/, Seinge thowe madest thy lawe in the golden
worlde when all wer good/. I thynke (quoth Iohn@ burghese) he wolde [25]
have passed yt wth Scylence/. ffor when the ffawlte is comon*/ the thinge
passythe wthowte correction/. I thynke not so (quothe he) but they
saye thus nowe/ that of the leaste evill woman/ the evyll lyffe cowld
not be towlde in a mannis whole lyffe[:] and to conclude/ they saye
that a man may advoide all evilles/ by removinge for a tyme/ savinge [30]
evyll wymen/ whome he muste fflye/ and never turne agayne/.
Thear is nothinge more trewer then this (quoth Iohn@ borghese)
and thearfore holde you thear/. Thear is nothinge more ffalse (quothe
Mr Orlando) and that will I prove/. yff yt be not the pleasure of anye
other gentleman to doe yt/. [35]
[p. 131]
I thynke for this night (quothe the Cowntesse) none of them wyll
take the offyce ffrom you/. and thearfore I whold have you go thoroughe
wth yt/. I am content madam (quothe he) when he hathe made an ende of
his slaunderous tale/. I thaught (quoth Mr Camyllo) you wolde be angrye/.
No angre (quoth the Cowntesse) but good wyll whatsoevr anyman speak- [5]
ethe/ thearfore tell vpp your tale/. Naye Madam (Quoth he) I have donne
for this tyme/ bycawse I se the tyme passe/ and the night spent/[.]
Yff that be your consideracon^ (qoth (fol. 55) she) let Mr Orlando
speake his pleasure/. and we wyll breake of for this tyme/.
I am redy Madam (quothe he) to doe my indevor/. And I saye [10]
that all that myne adversarye hathe spoken/ hathe byn nothing but a
calumnyacon^/ and a ffalse waye of accusement/ gathered rather of per-
tyculer occasyon/ then of any vnyversall verytie/. ffor as everye poet
hathe falne owte wythe his Mystres/ so hathe he sett his penne to wright
evill/. And parte of this ffurious tale/ hathe byn answered before/ and [15]
parte nedethe no answereng. yet I wyll towche those partes/ that be
reasonable/ and ffyrst for the ffaythe of wymen/ wch as yt is a vertue
that gevethe fowndacon^ to all other vertues: so yt is moste relygiouslye
observed off wymen/. Portia after Brutus was deade/ cowlde not be
intreated to lyve/. Allcest the wyffe of Admetus/ loved hyr husband [20]
wth sutche ffaythe and benevolencce, that wth her deathe she baught his
lyffe and this parte I towched before/ and thearfore I maye passe yt/.
As for their vyelnes of harte/ I saye they be falslye reported/. ffor everye
man knowethe how coragious and valeant Semiramis quene of Babylon
was/ how many Capytayns she brake/ howe manye armys she over- [25]
threwe/. and howe manye battelles she made/. ye (quothe Iohn@ Bor-
gheso) howe manye amerous battelles/ faught bye night/. Who can lett
you to deprave eûy woman (quoth Mr Orlando) yf ye will? But who
hathe not redd howe noblye Tomiries of Scythya overthrewe Cyrus?
who dothe not knowe that Celia the maide of Rome did passe from [30]
porsena his Campe/ and abated the pride of the Toscanes/. I wyll not
speake of the wymen of lacedemonia/ nor of hipolyta yt affronted Allex-
ander the greate/ yff the wymen of or tyme do not exercyse armys/ yt
is bycawse the Custom is other wyse, and not ffor lack of their bolde-
nes. (fol. 56) Thear is a contrye called Trimballie wher the men sytt [35]
[p. 132]
at home and take theyr eas and the wymen go and doe ffeates a brode.
yf this good custom wer in or contreye, we showlde well see/ that wymen
should furr passe men/ as bragg, as they make them selvis/. What fface
have men to saye that wymen be not mete to geve cowncell/. Octa-
vyan thempror did nothinge but wth the councell of lyvia his wyffe/ [5]
and yet I am sewer his doenges wer passinge/. and Iustynyan that noble
Empror/ wolde have his wyffe ᵱtner of all his secret councelles/. Helio-
gabalus made a Senate of wymen/ whearin they dysputed of wymens
vestures and ornamentes/. And wolde to god/ they had that awctho-
rytie in or dayes/ and we sholde see sutche a redresse in the suᵱfluous [10]
cost of theyr araye/ wch is the vndoenge of manye men/ as all the worlde
shoulde speke good and honor of them/. Whearas nowe bycawse they
be ever obedyent/ they muste take sutche as is geven them/. The All-
mayns of olde tyme/ had an opynyon/ that an holye and sacred vertue
was in theyr wymen/ and thearfore wolde never order publique matter [15]
wthowte the councell of them/. In learnenge have not wymen won-
derously florished/. be not their wyttes more aptt to the same throughe
their quycknes, than the dull generation of men/? Socrates that worthy
man/ learned the moste parte of his Phylozophye of Asspasya and Dio-
tima/ did not the two Graccis the noble yonge men of Rome, learne [20]
their eloquens of theyr mother Cornelia? Did not hortensia defende
hyr ffather before the thre Tyrantes/? Did not Polla helpe her hus-
bande lucan in the makynge of versis/? In dede thear have byn allwais
sene in wymen great proves of vertues well notefyed by the olde verse/.
(fol. 57) You yonge men have wymes* hartes/ [25]
and wymen do playe mens partes/.
Thear be sum men so colde and gellose that they will not theyr
wymen/ to write and rede any thinge/, nor to take a booke in hande/
and all is that they shoulde write no letters of love/. What a rudnes
is this? yf learnenge be a pretious guyft/ whye is yt not so in wymen [30]
also? and whye do we obiect want of learnynge in wymen/ yf we will
not suffr them to have yt/[?] yff men be afraide of wymen/ then let
them go dwell in wyldernes/. I wolde never councell astronomer to
take a wyffe/ leaste whylst he is lokynge for the hed of the drago* and
[p. 133]
the Eclipse of the moone/ his wyfe do make an Eclips at home/[.] I
wyll not speake of the wymen of Cimbria wch had rather dye wth their
owne handes than suffer any dyshonor/. I wyll leave the maydens of
Mylesia/ wch for the love of Immortalytye taught them by Carneades
valeantlye procured their owne deathes[.] Thearfore (as I saide before) [5]
of this matter infynyte examples/ might be braught for the purpose/
wch I of purpose omytt/. And I thynke that all that hathe byn ordeyned
agaynste wymen by lawe/ have ᵱcedid by envye/ and evill will onelye/.
He that was so depe in Philozophye/ as he fownd another lawe of
another kynde whiche he called a dyvyne lawe/ cowlde not love [10]
wymen/. ye knowe that in a cheffe bushop/ every thinge aught to be
exelent and ᵱfect/. And yet cowlde an ynglyshe woman ascende/ to
that highe dignitie/. Cicero makethe muche a doe a bowte a ᵱfect
Capitayne/ and yet who can compare withe Ione off ffraunce/ a contrye
maide/ that delyvered her contreye from their awntiet* enemyes/. I [15]
tolde before howe saynct Ierrom had muche confidens/ for the further-
enge of Χρis@ ffaythe in marcella paula and Eustochia/. Nowe to cum to
(fol. 58) sum other thinges/ as kepenge of howsholde/. Arystotle in his
booke off ffamelye wyll have hym that kepe howse take a wyffe in anye
wyse/[.] As for that/ that men somoche dowbte in maryage/ yt is [20]
nothinge/. ffor of all sortes/ and all agis/ they prove good and honest/.
Yff it might be/, yt wer good followeinge/ one of zenophons councell/
that is/ to take her that have seene lyttle, have lyttle/, and speake
lyttle/. but howe soever yt goethe/ a woman (as I saide) is necessarye/.
yff she be well condycionede she hathe a good dowrye/. And whear [25]
sum wolde have his not to ffayre/ nor to fowle, for the ffeare of the one/
and the greffe off the other/ let them take the meane accordige to the
olde Philozophers Cowncell/. Albeyt many verry ffayer/ have byn
verry good, and many verry fowle/ have had verry fayer manners/[.]
Nature hathe geven to wymen the care of children/ wch is the worke [30]
of Syngler* love/ ffor yt is not possible/ but the woman that have the
childe nyne moneths in hyr wombe shoulde love yt better then the
man/ and have more wysdome to brynge yt vppe/[:] and as this love is
greate/ so is that more that wymen beare to their husbandes/ in comen-
dacon^* of the wch/ valerius maximus wrote/ a goodly chappyter/ wheare [35]
[p. 134]
he cowlde wryte no sutche matter of men/. ffor he showlde have had
to mutche adoo to fynde a nomber to supplye his purpose whearas he
had an infynyte, of wymen, that suffred all tormentes/ and crewell
deathe/ for the love of their husbandes/. I praye ye tell me/ whye did
the auntyent men sett fforthe/ the musis that be the ladis of learnenge/ [5]
in the person of wymen/ and not of men/? Whye mynerva in the
ᵱson of a woman and not of a man, as I saide afore of Iustyce/? The
phylozophers affirme/ that in every kynde the ffemales be more apt to
learnenge then the males/ and made no exception of wyme*. But as I
saide before/ the bewtye of bodye is an argument of the bowntye of the [10]
mide*/. Homer writethe that Aiax was a man (fol. 59) of great Stature/
and thearfore ffumyshe and foolyshe/ and Vlysses a man of small
Stature/ and thearfore the wyser/ and prudent/. Then yf in bodis of
lesse proporcon^, reignethe moste wytt/ yt muste nedes followe/ that in
wymens bodys, wch be of that measure, is the lyke effect/. The vertue [15]
of wymenn allso/ is known by their gentlenes/ and pleasauntnes/[.]
Helena by her swete condycons^ & favour cowlde cawse olde Pryamus
to endure sharpe warr/. Thear is sutche a nature in wymen of vertue/
as makethe men devyse/ how they maye be exelent in vertues/ and
ffeates to be able to appere in their preasens/. And I dare be bolde to [20]
saye/ that for all that he saide before agaynste the love of wymen/, that
the occasyon of their love makethe more forwarde gentlemen then anye
other thinge/[.] We rede that or ffather Adam/ was created in the
ffelde of Damasco/ of the earthe/ and we rede that woman of the
bodye of man in the parradyce of delight/. And for this cawse/ it [25]
is an vse to honor wymen/ bycawse they have more honorable Crea-
tion/. What honor wymen have in every place/ everyman seethe/. The
honor that Coriolanus gave his mother veturia/, saved his contrye
Rome/. The vnicorne/ that can a bide none other Creature/ wilbe
towched of a virgynne/ acknowlegenge in her an hiz exelencye/. The [30]
worlde, wch nature hathe made for men/ testefyethe the prehemynes* of
wymen/. ffor wheare yt is devidid in to thre partes/ that is Asia/ Affrica/
and Europa/ Asia had the name of the wyeff of Iapetus/ and mother
of prometheus/. Africa otherwyse called libia of the daughter of
Epaphus/ Europa of the daughter off Agenor/ and all the earthe to gether [35]
[p. 135]
is called or vnyversall mother/. And off all thinges that nature or
ffortune have geven them, the bewtye of their body passethe/ wch beinge
compared wth all earthely Creatures/ hathe the prayse from them all/.
And bycawse me* cannot compare wth them in this/ they have devysed
a bewtye for them selves called maiestye/ or reverence/ but all is furr [5]
(fol. 60) of, and not to be compared wth the woman/. And the arty-
ficers/ not onelye of or tyme/ but off awntient tyme/ have evermore
fownde ᵱfectnes more in wymens shape/ then in mens, and comonlye*
we see wymen of a more generall iuste proporcon^ then men/ in whome
sum be gyantes and sum be dwarfes/[:] the cawse of this is that wymen [10]
be more moyste/ and moyste thinges be more easely drawn to their
measure/ and thearfore they be not so oft deformed but braught to
their ᵱfection/ and have the heavens more ffavorable to their bewtye
then we have/. Off other guyftes of the bodye and ffortune/ as children/
ffrendeshippe, riches/ glorye/. helthe and might/ they be nowhit [15]
inferior to men./ Children be common/ and yf anye have the greater
parte I thinke yt is she wch have borne yt/ wch have noryshed yt/ and
braught it vpp/. Off ffrendeshipp/ thear is no dowbte/ for that tender
love that they beare to their husbades*, their children, and ffrendes, is
in comperable/. [20]
ffrendes was well put in (quod Iohn@ burghese) for they have more
love to them, then to theyr husbandes/. Yff you (quoth the Countesse)
had not a love to ffinde faultes wthowte cawse/ you wolde not speake
after sutche sorte/. Lett hym speake and spare not (quothe Mr Orlando)
for all is to your prayse in thende/. And so I saye/ that ffor ryches/ all [25]
thoughe manye of them be moste riche/ yet it is more prayse to them/
to have domynyon over them that have riches/ and yt is ynoughe to
them to have the love off men/ whearby they be ladys of them/ and
their riches to/. Honor and ffame [are the meed] of guyftes of the
mynde/ in the wch they be superyor/ beinge in everye place/ of every- [30]
man honored/ and made ffamous/. the other guyftes of the body, as
helthe/ and strengthe[,] be no lesse in them than in men/ and thoughe
they be not/ yt makth no matter/ for they be not able to dymynyshe the
leaste parte of their excelencye/ for helthe concystethe in sober dyet/
whiche wymen kepethe more then men/. And by the helpe of naturall [35]
[p. 136]
purgacons^ wch they have, they escape manye dyseasis/ that men fall in
to/. As for strengthe we rede of the Amasones/ and manye other/ that
wer wont (fol. 61) to go to batteyll/ and have braught home manye
tryumphes/ and victoris/ and yf this vse were in or dais/ we shoulde see
what ye strengthe of wymen cowlde doe/. and nature hathe allso pre- [5]
ferred them in the order off generacon^/ ffor Gallen and Avicen sayethe,
that the woman hathe the pryncypall office to conserve and conceyve the
seede/ whearby the more parte of chyldren be lyke theyre mothers/. And
theare is no greater reason whye the love of mothers is greater to the
children/ but that they ffeele more of them selves in them/ than the ffathers [10]
doe/. And this is the cawse whye we love or mothers better then
or ffathers/ and not to the same ende nature hathe geven mylke to wymen/
wch is not onlie able to norrishe yonge babis/ but to restore the weake/
and preserve the whole/ and this is (wthowte dowbte) that wymen be
allwais more pyttyfull then men/. And Aristotle dothe attribute mercye [15]
to the ffemynyne kinde/ and for this cawse I thinke Salamon sayethe/
whear a woman is not, thear the Syckman waylethe/ ffor in the service
and handsomnes abowte syck men,/ the woman hathe marvelous dex-
teritie/ and for the bennefyte of hyr mylke/ able to restore the ffeable
creature/ as yt wer from deathe to lyve/. And the physycons^ affirme/ [20]
that ye heate of their papps/ ioyned to the brestes off men consumed
wth age/ dothe restore and increas/ theyr vitall heate in them/ wch thinge
David did knowe right well/ when he chose Abysag the yonge wenche
to comforte his olde bodye/[.] And one thynge that is moste marvelous/
a woman hathe brought forthe humayne nature/ wthoute mannis helpe/ [25]
wch thinge Averrois declarethe of a woman of Arabia/ and the Turckes
have wymen of that condycon^ wch they call nesesoglye/ and in sum
ylandes women conceave by other meane/ but howe so ever this is we
ar certayne/ that a virgyn onely by the worke of god & myracle braught
forthe to vs/ Chryste the sonne off god/ and that was the moste holy [30]
vyrgyn Mary the trewe and naturall mother of Ihus@ or Redemer/.
Nowe to speke of Speche, in the wch man passethe other creatures, and
(fol. 62) is called of hesiodus, the best treasure of man and reputed of
trimogistus/ equall wth Immortalyti/. Ys not the woman/ more plesaunte
more eloquent/ more abowndante then man? And all we fyrste learne [35]
to speake of oure mothers and norrishes/ wch was well forsene of nature/
for or behove/. bycawse ffewe or no wymen is borne dum/. and yt is
a goodlye prehemynence to passe man/ whearin he passeth all other/.
But lett vs cum to or beleve[:] no man dowbtethe but by the meane of
womanne/ god did blysse the man/, wch as one that deserved yt not/ [5]
had yt not vntyll the woman was created/ and wth this the proverbe of
Salamon agreethe/ he that fyndethe a good woman/ fyndethe a benefyte
and receavethe the benedyccon^ of god/ and Ecclesiasticus sayethe/ the
husband is blyssed by his good wyffe/ and theyr yearis shall be dowbled/
and nothinge cann be compared to hym that hathe a good wyffe/ ffor [10]
by ye same aucthoritie/ a good woman is a grace above all grace/. And
Sallamon callethe her the crowne/ and St paule the glorye of man/ and
glorye is the thinge wch is quyet and delightethe in thende/. to the
wch no more parfection can be addid. Thearfore the woma* is the ffull-
fyllenge/ the parfection/ the ffelycytie/ the benedyccon^/ and the glorye [15]
off man/. And (as St Austen sayethe) the principall companye of man-
kynde in this mortall lyffe/. And as they that be called Cabalisti affirme/
the woman hathe more conformytie in hyr name wth the ineffable tetra-
grammaton of god/ then man hathe/. So the same men affirme/ that
Abraham deserved to be blyssed by Saraghe/ and had a lre^ of hyr name [20]
addid to his. Thearfore benediccon^ was geven ffor womans sake/ and
lawe for manns sake[,] I saye the law of ire & maledyccon^/. The fruyte
of the tree of parradyse/ was forbidden to the man/ and not to woman/
ffor god from the begynnenge wolde have hyr ffree/. Thearfore the
man by eatenge/ offendyd and not the woman/ he gave deathe and not [25]
she/ and all we have synned in Adam and not in Eve/ and we have
receaved originall synne of or ffather Adam/ and (fol. 63) not of or
mother Eva/. And for this cawse the olde lawe wolde have men cyr-
cumcysed and not wymen/ determynenge playnelye that the thinge
shoulde be poneshed in that kinde that had erred/. God dyd not reprove [30]
the woman for eatenge but the man/ ffor he offendid by Scyence and
knowlege and she by ignorance/. and deceipt/[:] and Saynct Barnarde
sayethe/ that the dyvell beholdeg* the marvelous bewtye of hyr/ and
parceavenge yt was sutche as he to fore had seene in the dyvyne light/
he thaught to worke his envy in the woman onelye/ bycawse off hyr [35]
[p. 138]
exelencye/. Note allso that when Χρe@ wolde be borne in the worlde/
to purge the pride and synne of or ffyrst ffather/ he wolde take vppon
hym lowe and base kynde of man/ and not the noble and highe kynde
of woman/ and bycawse we wer condempned by the ffawlte of man/ he
wolde have that kinde to satysfye therrour/ that had commytted the [5]
offence/ and by that kynde that ignorantly had offendyd/ the revenge-
ment shoulde be made/. Whearfore yt was saide to the Serpent/ the
seede of the woman (and not of the man) shall presse thy hed/ and
this peradventure is the cawse whye the Churche rather commyt the
order of prestehoode to men then to wymen/ bycawse everye preste [10]
representethe Χρe@/ and Χρe@ the ffyrste Synner/ that is man[.] And in
that cannon whear yt is affirmid that woman was not made after the
symylytude of god/ yt is vnderstonde after the corporall semblaunce of
Ihu@ Chryste. And Chryste wolde not be the sonne of a man/ but of a
woman/ whome he magnefyed so moche/ that of hyr onelye he tooke [15]
ffleshe. And thoughe he be called the sonne of manne yt is for respect
of the woman/ wch is comprehendyd in this worde man. And this is the
greate marvell of the wch the prophett marveylethe beyonde measure/
that the woman did environ the man/ that was when Χρe@ was borne
in the wombe of the virgyn/. And thoughe the Churche prayeth thus/ [20]
The hurte that Eva did, thou restorest wth thy byrthe/ yt is trewe that
the Symplycitie of Eva/ was the cawse of or vnyver- (fol. 64) sall hurte/
but if the dysobedyence/ and pride of Adam/ had not followed/ the
error shoulde not have byn Imputed to the woman/.
Shewrlye theas wymen (quothe Iohn@ burgheso) have greate prevy- [25]
lege/. theyr fawltes deserve no ponyshement/ rather other be poneshed
for them/ and so we must supplye theyre wantes in every thinge/.
Yff ye wold (quothe Mr Orlando) be contented wth reasonn, ye
shoulde be instructed wellinoughe/ but yff ye wyll not/ yet trewythe is
trewythe/ in every thynge/ and of evident proffe yt followethe, that [30]
the woman aught to be loved/ reverenced and obeyed of all creatures/ and
everye creature is subiect to her/, by good skyll, and obayethe her as a
Quene/ and ende of all thynges/ as a ᵱfection and glorye/ in all wais
parfect/ whearfore the wyes man sayethe, glorefye the nobylytie of
wymen who hathe ffamylyarytie wth god[.] And bycawse I am no verye [35]
[p. 139]
good orator/ nor can of any prophane mattr make any ffyne invention/
I will go playnelye to worke/. And I saye that every man maye see/
what favor or lorde Ihus@ Χρe@ shewed wymen when he rose from deathe
to lyffe/ in that he appered to them/ before any man/ And yt is a thynge
moste certeyne that he did this/ as he dothe all thynges wth great [5]
Iustyce/. ffor he sawe howe all men denyed hym/ after his deathe and
lost theyr ffaythe/ whear as the wymen stoode shewer/ and never
This is no proffe (quoth Mr Camello) of any specyall favor that
Chryste bare them, but rather a confyrmacon^ of theyr weakenes/ ffor as [10]
they be evyll to kepe any councell/, So to blabb a brode his Resurrec-
tyon, he thaught them moste mete instrumentes. And as for theyr con-
stancye/ yt was happy yt chaunced in a good matter/ for they wold have
byn obstynate in a false opynyon
Yff yt wer mete (quothe Mr Orlando) that Χρis@ Ressurection shoulde [15]
be know* and his apperance notefyed/ ye maye well Iudge of wymen/
that they wer reputed moste mete for the purpose/. Yt was never redd/
that wymen did ever ᵱsecute the ffaythe of Chryste/ nor that any error
or (fol. 65) heresye have procedyd by them but bye men/. Thear is
matter ynoughe to prove ye contrarye/ the more is the pyttye/[.] Off [20]
men Chryste was betrayed/ sowlde/ baught/ accused/ condempned/ tor-
mented/ crucefyed & villanouslye put to deathe/. Off Sayncte Peter he
was denyed/. Off his dysciples he was forsakyn/. onelye of the wymen
he was accompanyed/ and bewayled to his Crosse and grave/. The wyffe
of Pylate, thoughe she were a pagan/ wrought more to save Χρis@ lyffe/ [25]
then all the men in the worlde/[.] The dyvynes holde opynyon/ that
the Churche onelye remayned in one womanne that is/ in or blyssed
ladye the virgyn mary, and for that cawse the kynde of wymen is called
holy/ and devowte/ and thopynyon is of good men/ that in the dome
weke/ that when all the xv candles be put owte that bren before the [30]
highe Alter/ the laste that is kept is the glorious mother of Chryste wch
onely in so great tribulacon^/ did neverr lose her ffaythe/. And Saynct
Paule saythe that god chose the thinges that be folyshe in the worlde,
to confownde the wise, and the weake, to confownde the stronge/ and
the abiect and base to destroye the highe & greate/. The chefeste of all [35]
[p. 140]
creatures in all quallytis that nature gevethe/ was or ffyrst ffather Adam/
and yet a woman made hym humble/. The moste stronge in body was
Sampson/ and yet a woman cowlde dyspache hym/. who was more cont-
ynent then lot, and yet a woman made hym comytt* the vnherde incest/.
A woman made the holye David to oversee hym self/ a woman [5]
dysceyved Salamon that was so wyse/ Iobe was the moste patient man/
from whome the dyvell (by the will of god) toke his cattel and pos-
sessyon/ he kylled his ffamely and chyldren/ and fullfylled hym wth sores
and infection/ and wth dolor of his whole bodye, and yet cowlde not
drawe hym from his formar symplycitie of mynde/ and never pryck hym [10]
to anger/ but a woman cowld so provoke hym to dyspaire/ that she
made hym curse the daye that he was borne/ whearin she cowlde do
more then the dyvell (fol. 66) him selffe/[.] And yf a man maye in this
comparyson/ bringe in Chryste/ wch was the moste wyse and stronge Crea-
ture/ that ever was[,] he beinge the eternall sapience and power of god/ [15]
he wolde be overcum of the poore woman of Cananie/. ffor when he
saide it is not good/ to geve the breade of Children to dogges/ she
answered/ yt is trewe lord, and yet the whelps eate of the croms* that
fall from their masters table/. And when Christe sawe that he cowlde
not overcum her by this argument/ of humylitie/, he blyssed hyr/ and [20]
saide, be it don vnto the as thou woldeste/. Who was more ardent in
the ffaythe then peter/ the Apostle/ beinge cheffe and highe pastor of
the Churche/ and neverthelesse was braught by a woman to denye
All theas thinges (quothe Mr Camyllo) that you have spokyn seme [25]
rather to tende to the dyssprayse of wymen/ then to their prayse/. And
the people have a comon* proverbe/ that a woman can do more then the
Naye (quothe he) not so/ ffor ye shall see ye evill doenge of wymen/
more often praysed in the Scripture/ then the well doenge of men/[.] [30]
Rachell is commendid for decyvenge her ffather/ Rebecka is celebrated
for robbenge the benediccon^ of Esau/, and retornenge it to Iacob/.
Raab a comon* harlot betrayed hir contreye/ hid thesspies of Iosue/
deceyved them/ and for the same is thaught a Iuste woman/. Iohell
receyved Sisara,/ interteigned hym ffrendelye/ and when he was a slepe/ [35]
[p. 141]
stroke a nayle in to his hed & killed hym/ and for this murther the
Script gyvethe hyr a blyssenge/ sayenge blyssed is Iohell emonges
wymen/ blyssed be she in her tabernacle/. The ffact of Iudythe whearby
she begyled holofernes wth so many ffayer wordes/ and in thend kylled
hym, is praysed in the Scripture/ and exalted vnto the heavens/[.] Off [5]
the contrary side Cayne did a good deede offringe to god the ffirste of
all his best fruyte/ and yet he (fol. 67) was reproved/[.] Esau did an
honest parte when he obeyed his ffather/ and went a huntynge to gett
hym meate/ and for his labor lost his ffathers benedyction/, and the
ffavor of god/[.] Oza thaught to do a greate service to god/ when he [10]
stayed the arke that yt shoulde not ffall/. and for his good mynde was
dysspatched/, by the wrathe of god/[.] Kinge Saule for kepenge ffat
beastes to Sacrefyce to god/ was dryven from his kingdo* and geven
to the powre of a wycked spirite[.] The daughters of lot wch vsed car-
nallye wth their ffather/ be excusid of so great a fawlte/ and he and his [15]
Successyon baneshed from the Churche of god/ yet theyr fawlte was of
knowledge/ and his of ignoraunce/. Thamar comytted* incest/ and yet
is counted more iuste/ then the patryarche Iuda/.
This is (quothe Iohn@ borghese) a pretty matter to tell my ladye
yf wymen maye vnderstande this gear/ that they be praysed for their [20]
wykednes/ yt is tyme for vs to geve over/[.]
Naye ye mystake yt (quothe he). And ye do not see howe they in
all thinges have respect/ to god and their honestye/. ffor thoughe they
be borne wth in the Scriptures/ and or lawe ᵱmyttethe them to provide
for them selves wth others losse/ yet have they the ffeare of god before [25]
their eyes/ and be so obedyet* to their husbandes/, and governors/ that
they will take none advauntage at this ᵱveleg/[.] And by the concent
of the Churche one woman deservid to be ye moste worthye creature
of the worlde/ conceyved wthowte originall synne/ and that was the
moste holye virgyn/ and in this case equall wth hyr sonne Chryste/. [30]
Off all creatures yff a woman be better then the best/ and a man worse
then the worste/ yt followethe by playne argument that my matter is
trewe/. Amonge men/ thear was never borne so greate as Iohn@ bapt.
the wch was so inferyor to the virgyn Marye as he maye not compare/.
Amongst wymen thear was never none halffe so evyll/ as Iudas yscaryothe/ [35]
[p. 142]
or (fol. 68) as som thynke Antechriste/ who hathe all mallyce of the
dyvell wthin hym/. And to this agreethe an apparant excelencye in
beastes/ wthowte reason/. ffor the Eagle the cheffe/ and moste noble of
all byrdes[,] is a ffemale/. And the Baselyst the worste of all Cerpentes
is a male/. And the Egiptyans have ffownde the Phenyx/ the onely [5]
byrde of the worlde to be a ffemale/.
Yff they coulde ffynde but one woman in [the] worlde (quothe Iohn@
Burghese) they should ffynde a Treasure passynge thother/ and what
hathe the lyon offendyd that he maye not be braught in/ beinge prynce
off all beastes/ and yet a maele/. ye muste note (quothe he) in som [10]
thinge nature wyll varrye at hyr pleasure/. But let vs ᵱcede further/
did not the rote of all evill procede by man/. Was not Adam the
cawse that heaven gaetes wer shett agaynste hym/ and he made subiect
to synne and deathe? Did not Cayne his eldeste sonne open the gaetes
of hell/ was not he the ffyrste envious man/ and ffyrste murtherar of [15]
his brother/. Lameche was the ffyrste that at one tyme tooke two
wyves/. Noe was the first that was dronke/. Nembrothe the ffyrste
tyrante and ydolater/. men were the ffirst that practysed wth dyvelles/
for thinvocacon^ of wycked artes/. The sonns of Iacob soulde their
brother/ Pharao of Egipt was the ffirst that killed ynnocentes/. Men [20]
wer the ffyrst that synned agaynste nature/ witnes Sodom and Gomorra
destroyed wth ffyer and Sowlphure/. Men have geven thexample of
lose lyvenge/ off takynge of many wyves and more concubynes/ as
David/ Salamo*[,] Roboam/ Assuerus and other/. What woman can
you ffinde that was not content wth one husband/ exept Berseba/ and [25]
she as ye knowe was allured by a kinge/[.] what marvelous contyn-
encye hathe ben seene in som/ that when they have ᵱceyvid them
selves barren/ have graunted their husbandes other wyves for procrea-
con^ of chyldren/. as Sarae/ Rachell/ and many (fol. 69) other/ you
never cowlde rede of any man that wolde suffer the lyke wer he never [30]
so owlde/. And thoughe Solon and lycurgus made laws in this matter/
that is, that yf a yonge woman had an olde husband that cowlde get
no chyldren/ she might take a yonge man to Supplye this wante/. and
children so gotten showlde be legittimate by the lawe/. And thoughe
theas lawse wer made in the benefyte of wymen/ yet they never vsed [35]
[p. 143]
them/. not throughe the hardnes of men/ but by the honestye of
wymen/. you cannot make me beleve that (quoth Iohn@ Burghese/ for
yf theye might I dare saye they wolde/. The trewithe (quothe he)
hathe tried the contrarye/ and thearfore you ar answered/[.] hear I
cowlde reherce/ an infynyte nomb* of them that have byn notable [5]
wymen/ but bycawse sum have byn before namyd[,] and I thynke hear
be other men/ that will make their callender/ I wyll leave yt indyfferent/.
Yff I (quoth Mr Camillo) wolde tarry abowte examples/ I cowlde
bringe you in the vnhappy marriage off Sampson/ of Iason/ of Dei-
phebus/ off Agamemnon/ and manye other/ wch bye theyr wycked [10]
wyves/ had myserable endes/. The awntient wymen of wch you make
so moche a do/ be not remembred for none other purpose/ but for to
geve a provocacon^ to other wymen to infflame them to honor and
vertue/. Yt was not trewe that Camylla penthesilea/ nor Iudythe wer
so valyant in armes nor Corrinna & Sapho so excelent in verse/ Theas [15]
be devysed lyke to Trystram/ and Isotte/ nor I do not thynke that you
be in opynyon to thynke them trewe/ but onely devysed of wysemen/
to call from vyce the wymen of every age/ wch neyther by example/
by rewarde nor by lawe have byn able to be donne/. Naye, (quothe
Mr Orlando) I do not thynke you of that opynyon/ for then you wolde [20]
race awaye the remembrance of all Antyquytie/[.] I praye you (fol.
70) tell me of anye wyffe that hathe geven her husbande cawse to
lament/ except yt hathe procedid of hym/[.] yff wymen might have
wrytten Storis/ they wolde have shewed infynyte nombers of naughty
men/ that wth all generacon^ of wykednes/ have abused their moste [25]
honest wyves/ and cawsed all other myscheffe/. Contrarye wyes, wymen
have ffownde all artes and vertues/[:] was not a woman the ffyrst that
offred her vowe of virginitie to god/ I meane Marye the virgyn/ wch
thearby deserved to be the mother of god/? Whye then (quothe Mr
Camillo) did she not saye/ that god had lokid vppon hyr/ for the vir- [30]
ginytie of his hand mayden, whear as she saide for the humylytie/ and
for a more proffe of this/ she tooke an husband/ all thoughe the angell
towld her she sholde be vndefyled/. All this (quoth he) is nothynge/
for her virginytie was intyerly preserved by godes grace/ and hyr
humylytie an acknowlegenge of his goodnes[.] The wymen that wer [35]
[p. 144]
prophetessis wer more enspyred wth the holy ghoste/ then men/ and
that is provid in the Sybylles by the testymonye of lactantius/ Eusebius/
and Awsten/. Marye the Syster of moyses and Aron was a prophetesse/
Olda alyed to Ieremye becam a prophetesse when she was in pryson/.
The Stablenes of wymen in ffaythe is redd in the Scripture/. Abraham [5]
who is reputed iust ffor his beleve is inferyor to his wyfe Sara, he
beinge comawndyd* of god to obaye her in all thynges/[.] Rebecka for
hyr shewer truste in god/, had aucthorytie to talke wth hym and have
answer of hym/, that two nations/ and two people showlde be deryved
from hyr wombe/. The widowe beleved the wordes of Elyas/ thoughe [10]
the thynge semed Impossible/: Zachary the prophet was made domme
for his vnbeleve/ and Elizabethe was praysed for her truste in god/ and
vysyted of his mother Marye/[:] Anna the prophet/ after the revelacon^
of Symeon/ confessyd god (fol. 71) and reasoned with everyman/ that
wolde heare off the redemptyon off ysrahell/. Phyllippe had ffower [15]
daughters that did prophesye/[.] Howe marvelous was the ffaythe of
the Samarytane/ wth whome Chryste resoned at the well/. and lefte the
companye of hys dysciples/. What ffaythe had the woman of Cananye/
and thother woman that had the blodye fflixe/[.] Might not the ffaythe
and confessyon of Martha compare wth peter/. Howe sure and constant [20]
her Syster Magdalene was, all the Scripture is ffull/ ffor whenn men
wyckedly crucefyed Chryste/ and ranne ffrom hym/ she abode at the
Crosse, she braught oyntement/ she searched the Sepulchre/ she know-
ethe god in the fforme of a gardyner/ she ronnethe to tell the Apostles/
they stonde in dowbte/ and she belevethe certeynlye/. As mutche a [25]
doe as ye make of the matter/ saide (Mr Camyllo) ye knowe that
Chryste wolde not suffer yor Magdalen to touche hym, but for bad hyr
by expresse wordes/ wch thinge he wolde not have donne/ yf he had
made sutche accompte of her as you saye/ ffor to Saynct Thomas he
made no denyall at all/. The cawse is evydent (qth Mr Orlando) ffor [30]
he suffred Saynct Thomas to towche hym/ that his ffaythe might be
stayed/ and he did not suffer Magdalen/ by cawse hyr ffaythe was con-
fyrmed afore/. Pryscylla instructed the bushop of Corinthe, who beinge
in the place of an Apostle, was not a shamed to learne that of a woman,
wch after he taught in the Churche/. What a woman was she/ mar- [35]
[p. 145]
velous/ and worthy eternall memorye/ wch cowlde in hyr presence see/
hyr vij chyldren dye of cruell torment/ and not onely wth noble harte
beholde that myserable sight/ but stowtly exhorted them to dye/ and
she in every thinge trustinge in god dyed after her chyldren for the love
of the lawe of her Creator and hyr Contrye/. what lyke example of [5]
man was thear ever sene/? Nowe yf yt wer so/ that by nature or for-
tune (fol. 72) the woman wer of lesse worthynes then man/ yt wer
no matter/ ffor in thinges that cannot otherwies bee/ thear is neyther
prayse nor dyssprayse/. And Cato the Censor was wonte to saye/
that in thynges geven hym of nature and fortune/ he cowlde easelye [10]
suffer to be overcom/ but in those that a man might gett by hym
selffe/ he cowlde not abide/ that another showlde passe hym/. And
in consideracon^ of theas/ the makers of lawes do blame them that
reprove wymen/ and accompte them enemyes of them selfes/ and of
nature/ and surely yt is a great shame/ yea a creweltye to speake evill [15]
of wymen of whome we have or beinge/ who maynteynethe and in-
creasethe or contynuance/ and wthowte wche or lyffe showlde be nothing
ellse/, but a solytarynes/ a ᵱpetuall melancolye, or rather a contynuall
deathe/. And noble harted men aught to doe in this/ as theye wer
wont to doe in a slaunder of the contry, wch they aught to revenge wth [20]
all their powre/[.] Theare is noman (quoth Mr Camyllo) that wyll
blame them for thinges that be not blame worthye/ but yf they deserve
blame, whye shoulde they not have yt? And he that considerethe
well their doenges/ and the orders that have byn made for them[,] shall
fynde that they have not byn reputed worthye any place of prayse/ in [25]
any matter of Importaunce/ ffor the bearenge of offyce/ hathe ever
byn forbidden them/ and as well the awntyent as the psente$ custome/
forbidd them in matter of Sacrifyse to be bareheddyd/ wch thinge is a
playne argument of their vnclennes/ ffor man bycawse he is neate &
cleane shewth his hed/ at everye matter of Sacriffyse/. [30]
All is not trewe (quothe Mr Orlando) that you have saide/ ffor in
olde tyme wymen had charge of officis/ as men have nowe/ and
ordeyned manye lawes/[:] Ceres is called a goddes of laws. Sibilla a
gyver of orders/ Dido gave lawes to the Carthag[in]iens/ as Semyramus
did to the Babylonyans/ and manye more (fol. 73) in other places/. [35]
[p. 146]
But as the Mallyce and insolencye of men/ did increas wth tyme/ so wer
they bowlde in wymens preasence/ to talke of matters vnmete/ wthowte
regarde of honestye/ wch cawsed them to refrayne and leave all to men/.
But in dyvyne Servyce/ yt hathe byn indyfferente to men and wymen
allwais/ as the vyrgins Vestalles in tymes past/ and the nonns in or [5]
dayes/. And the cawse whye they be ffor bid to appere bareheddyd/ is
not for the reason that you have aledged/ but ffor another skyll more
convenyent/ and it is/ that the sight of a woman in her heare wch is
moste pleasaunte/ shoulde not styrr anyman/ to lascyvious/ and vnhonest
cogytacon^/ and bycawse wymen be of greater previlege/ and enduyd [10]
wth more grace/ then men/ yt is not amys that in token of humylytie
and modestye they go wth covered hedd/. And thoughe they have not
the handlynge of every offyce yt makes no matter/ ffor thoughe all wer
in mens handes/ yt cowlde not demynishe the thowsand parte of
wymens exelencye/[.] And yt is not allwais trewe that offices be geven/ [15]
to the moste worthye and best beloved/. Chryste gave the keys of
heaven to Peter/ and not to Iohn@ whome he loved so moche/. nor to
hyr who deserved to beare hym/ in her virgins wombe/. whearbye she
is called of vs the mother of grace/ and moste exelent of all creatures/[.]
A Quene in a Courte hathe none offyce[,] and yet she is more honored [20]
and lovid then all the offycers that thear be/.
Thear is another cawse (quothe Mr Camyllo) whye thei ar reiect
from offyce/ & that is the mutabylitie/ and vnstablenes of their mynde/
the varietye of opynyo* is sutche in them as maye not be suffred in no
matter of waight/. Thear showlde be no certentye of thinges/ yf they [25]
had the handlynge of them/. That is not trewythe (quothe Mr
Orlando) for amoges* wyes men/ mutacon^ of mynde is manye (fol. 74)
tymes praysed/[.] What folyshe governowure of a ship is he/ that when
the winde & tempest is agaynste hym/ wyll not chaunge his coorse/.
The example of heaven & tyme shewethe vs/ that it muste nedes [30]
chaunce sumtyme/ that/ that to daye is profytable, to morrowe is hurt-
full/. Thearfore we must many tymes chaunge wyll and councel for
the better, beinge moved thearvnto by reason/ and necessytie/ and not
by appetyte and pleasure/. And to stonde allwais styff and obstynate in
one opynyon is rather vyce then vertue/. Well (quothe Iohn@ Bur- [35]
[p. 147]
ghese) I see wymen wyll have the daye/. ffor what soever they doe/
wel or evill, it is torned to ther prayse/.
The cawse of that (quothe he) is that ye blame of yvell doenge wch
is put vppon them is so light/ and vniuste/ that yt is sone confuted/.
And thoughe I am not able to speake of them/ nor for them/ as I [5]
wolde, I am glad that I maye geve occasyon to other to saye more then
I have or can saye/. And howesoever the worlde goethe/ men cannot
but saye well of them/. ffor wthowte them the conservacon^ of man-
kynde/ showlde in shorte space dekeye/. Romulus the foundr of Rome
considered well the same/ when he tooke the Sabyne wymen/ to [10]
mayntey* his estate/. that otherwyes showlde soone have dekayed/.
Thear wer lawes in Rome that no woman showlde grynde ne drudge
in kytchyn/. that the woman showld geve nothinge to the man/ nor
the man to the woman/ meanenge that all thinges was comon* betwene
them/. and of this cam ye custom/ that they that braught the bride in [15]
to her howse made her saye/ Wheare thowe, thear I/. that is to saye/
whear thow arte lorde/ thear am I ladye/. wymen had previledge in
apparell/ and Emprors that made actes/ of araye/ made another lawe/
that when any prohibycon^ was of wearenge apparell/ yt showlde not
be vnderstonde of wymen/. yt was allso (fol. 75) graunted them to [20]
succede in mens inherytaunce/ and goodes/. And that the ffuneralles
of wymen showlde openlye be celebrated wth prayse as men/. The
cawse of the wch prevylege they deserved/ when they gave all their
Iewelles/ and ornamentes/ to the fulfyllenge of the vowe/ that Camyllus
had made to Appollo of Delphos/. And in ye warr that Cyrus made [25]
agaynste Astiages, the persyans beinge put to fflight wer reproved of
their wymen/. and ffor very shame retorned into Battell/ and optayned
vyctorye/. Off the wch occasyon Cyrus ordeyned a lawe/ that whensoevr
the kinge did entre that Cyttye/. he should geve the wymen every one
a pece off golde/. And allexander the greate twyse entrenge the Cyttie [30]
cawsid the money to be paide/[.] and to them that were wythe childe to
be dowbled/[.] Thus wolde the awntient kinges of Rome and persia
honor wymen/. Themprors allso as Iustynyan and other gave them
previlegis and the lawe sayethe/ that the wyffe dothe shyne in honour
and is equall wth the husband in the same/ and as the Eprour* is not [35]
[p. 148]
subiect vnto the lawe/ nomore is the Empresse/. but have the same
previlegis that his mate hathe[;] and this is the Cawse why wymen of
state as Quenis/ duchessis/ and other, may receive homage/ and geve
Iudgement/ and make lawes/. Thear is a lawe that a woman of honest
ffame and lyffe, shall not be put in pryson/ and the Iudge that sendethe [5]
her to pryson is poneshed wth capytall payne, and yff she do amysse/
she is shut in a Monasterye/ or comytted* to wymen to be emprysoned/
thearfore by lawe woman is in better case/ then man/ and for a ᵱffe of
that in lyke fawlte/ the ponyshement is greater of thone than thother/.
ffor adultry in man is poneshed by the hed/ and in a woman yt is cor- [10]
rected by puttige* hyr in a monasterye/. The cawse of this (quothe Mr
Camyllo) maye be ffor that wymen be so infenyte that offend yn this
case/ as yf they shoulde be poneshed (fol. 76) by deathe/ we sholde
have ffewe left/. No (quothe he) rather the payne of deathe was
ordeyned for man/ bycawse he was the author and provoker of the [15]
offence/ wch other wyes wolde not once thinke of suche a matter/. And
to retorne to the awntient lawe makers/ and ffownders of Comon-
welthes*/. Lycurgus and plato vnderstandynge by secret conclusyons/
of nature and phylozophye/ that neyther in nobilitie of mynde/ nor
valour of bodye/ nor excelency of nature/ wymen wer inferior to men/ [20]
but equall wth them/ in every thinge/ theye ordeyned that they shoulde
exercyse wth men in wrestlenge/ in ffeates of warr/ in shotenge/ slyng-
ynge/ in castenge the Stone/ in ffyghtenge afoote/ and on horsebacke/
in campynge[,] in layenge seage, in settenge araye/ in leadeng an
armye, and ffynally all that men did excersyes, wymen showlde do the [25]
same/[.] yt was towlde of contreis affarre of whear men gave them
selves to pleasure/ and wymen to payne/ they tyll/ they buylde/ they
trafycque/ they ride/ they ffight/ and do all thynges as men withe vs/.
in Cantabria wch is nowe a pece of Navarra/ Systers had the care to
provide wyves for their bretherne/ and daughters wer instytuted heyrs/. [30]
in Scythia/ and thracia/ all waiztye matters of warr and peace/ wer
donne as well by wymen/ as men/. And nowe agaynste all Iustice/ the
tyrannye off men/ have vsurped/ all thinges/ and will not suffer wymen
to do nothinge/ they maye not have anye offyce be they never so
prudent/ They maye not pleade a cawse, be they never so wyse/, and [35]
[p. 149]
eloquet*. In padoa was one called Severina/ yt for her exelency was
admytted/ and for envy was kylled/[.] They maye not teache the worde
of god/ wch the scripture ᵱmyttethe/ sayenge by the mowthe of Ioell/
yor daughters shall prophesye/. in the tyme of the Apostles they taught
openlye/ as Anna of Symeon/ and (fol. 77) the daughters of Phillip/ [5]
and Priscilla, of Aquyla/ but the iniquytye of men have abrogated the
precept of god/. No Iniquytye (quothe Mr Camillo) but aucthoryty
by godes woorde/. wch when he gave the maledyccon^ to the woman/
saide thow shalt be vnder the power of man/ and he shall be thy lorde/
As for that (quoth he) ye aught to vnderstonde/ that Χρe@ hathe taken [10]
awaye the malediccon^/. Naye (quothe the other) ffor by the wordes
of Saynct peter/ and paule/ yt remaynethe, sayenge/ wymen be obedyent
to your husbandes/ and remember to be quyett in the Churche/[.] ye
muste (quothe he[)] vnderstonde the maner of Speakynge of the Scripture/
and then ye shall ᵱceve that yor reason dothe not greatly prove/ ffor in [15]
the Churche of ffaythefull men is this order/ that men in Goverment
should be preferred before wymen/ as the Ebrues wer in the promis
before the grekes/ yet god is not partiall nor acceptor of persons[,]
becawse in Χρe@ thear is no dyfference of person/ but a newe creature/
and rather for the hardnes of mens hartes/ yt is lawfull for them to do [20]
what they wyll wythe wymen/ as the Ebrues had a devorce graunted
them for theyr infyrmytis[,] wch thynge dothe derogate no parte of
wymens exelencye/ but in Spyte of theyr heddes they have prehemynence/
ffor the Quene of Saba shall Iudge them of Ierusalem/ and they that be
Iustefyed as be the chyldren of Abraham/ that is of promyssyon, be Sub- [25]
iect to the woman/ and be bownde to the comawndement* of god/ whiche
said to Abraham heare the wordes of Sarae and be obedyent to every thynge
that she comaundethe* the/[:] and so I wyll make an ende of my rude
talke/ wch is nothynge mete for so highe a matter/ desyrenge the lady
Countesse/ and other to beare wth my weakenes/. I am shuer (quothe the [30]
Countesse) thear is none hear (fol. 78) but that is right well satysfyed/ wth
yor speakenge/. whearin ye have wth probable matter set fforthe a trewe
cawse/ and for my parte I colde very well have byn content to have
harde you procede/. but ffor as mutche as Mr fflaminio promysed vs to
saye somwhat in the matter/ we will dyscharge you and hear hym/. [35]
[p. 150]
Madam (qth Mr fflaminio) you knowe that I am allwais redye at
yor Comandymet*. marye nowe I wolde desyer you of pardon partly
bycawse so moche hathe byn saide all redye/ as lytle more maye be
saide, wch a man maye vtter withe honeste wordes/ and partly bycawse
ynoughe is as good as a ffeaste/. And to speake so moche of one matter [5]
be yt never so trewe gendrethe tediousnes to the hearer/.
Rather the contrarye (quothe she) when dyvers men dyversly prove
one thinge wth good reason/ for by that the quicknes of wytt/ and
swetenes of eloquence is sene/. In dede Madam (quothe he) wheare
those two be, yt is pleasant to heare/ but in me theare is neyther of [10]
them/. and thear fore I am vn mete for the purpose/.
Aghe (quothe Iohn@ Burghese) you wyll have mutche intreatenge/
and that may not be heare/ for you be at comandyment*.
Howe saye ye nowe (quothe the Countesse) when our governor
callethe you/ and appoyntethe you/. [15]
yff I muste nedes (quothe he) I wyll do my parte and fulfyll my
promis/. wch was to shewe what notable guyftes of mynde god hathe
shewed in many wymen/ and so geve occasyon that everyman heare
may celebrate sutche as he hathe in mynde/.
That is a verye good purpose (quoth the Countesse) and the thinge [20]
that I desyer/ thearfore/ go forward wth yt/.
I am redy madam (quothe he) to obeye/. And one thinge I
comende* mutche in the order of this dyssputacon^ at Myllayne/ yt after
reasons had bynn made suffitient (fol. 79) the matter was concludid wth
examples/. And thearfore I agree wth that opynyone that suffrethe the [25]
ffame of wymen to be sprede a brode/ and am not so precyes as Thuci-
dides was/ whiche thaught that woman to be best/ wch was neyther
praysed /nor dysspraysed of Straingers/ Supposenge that as the bodye/
so the name of a woman/ aught not to com owte of her awne howse/.
I thynke Georgias leontinus had more reasonable opynyon/ that was [30]
that not the bewtye of a woman/ but hyr good name showlde be
knowen/ to mannye/. Whearfore I Iudge that lawe of the Romayns to
be exelent/ whearby yt was permytted/ that good wymen might be
praysed openlye/, by the oracons^ of theyr ffrendes/ as well as men/[.]
mye purpose shall conciste in this, to shewe the same learnenge to be [35]
[p. 151]
in wymen, that is in men/ the same fortytude/ the same Magnanymytie/
and so forthe/. I will begynne/ with learnenge/. I am sure ye doctryne
that Aspasia and Diotima tauzt Socrates/ was of the same vertue wche he
taughte his Scollers/ and the Eloquens that Cornelia taught her
sonnis, was the same that Cicero vsed in the deffence of men/ and hor- [5]
tensia defendyd her husband wth that rethoryck/ that Ceaser dyd that
accused men/ and polla in makynge of versis had the same vayne/ that
her husband lucane vsid/. And to com more nighe or tyme/ Cassandra
ffedele/ had yt vnderstandyng in liberall Scyencis/ that Angelus poli-
tianus had who wrytethe hyr prayse/. The ladye Margarita Valesia [10]
quene of navarra hathe the same vnderstandinge of lattyn and greke yy
other her contreymen have/. The Marques of Pescare/ of whome I
am not able suffitiently to speake/ wrote her meter so well as the poet
Molza/. I thynke you have herd of Thomas Moore a knight of (fol.
80) Englond who had thre daughters/ that speake well lattyn/ greke/ [15]
and hebrewe/ and of this yf anye of you dowbte ye may be ascerteyned
of theas ynglyshe gentlemen that be heare/. Thearfore (lady Countes)
yf you will desyer them to tell vs of their gentlewymen/ we shalbe glad
to heare yt/. I am sure (quothe she) they will not refuse so to doe/
seinge yt tendethe but to vertue and prayse of their contrey, and for [20]
that we knowe/ that at or request they have ben content a fore this
tyme/ to accompanye vs in or other talke/ and have well spoken in the
same/. Thearfore to satysfye this request in yor name I hartely desyer
them/. Madam (quothe one of the Englyshemen) yt is ynoughe for vs
and or Contreye/ that som of or gentlewymen be knowen to you/ for that [25]
is a testymonye suffitient/ that wymen be worthy the prayse/ that have hear
ben geve* them/. And that or lyttle Contreye have regarde and desyer of
the same/. And yf we nowe showlde entre in to a further declaracon^/ we
shoulde interrupt the good purpose/ that nowe emonges you is begonne.
Not so (quothe Mr fflaminio) but rather confyrme yt by evident [30]
proffe of certeyne matter/. yt is trewe (qth the Cowntes) for or delight
nowe shalbe to hear of strange gentlewymen/ and or cawse shalbe mayn-
teyned by the accesse of them/ whome we lokyd not ffor/ thearfore I
praye you tell vs what ye knowe of this case/. Madam/ (quoth the
Englysheman) I wolde be lothe in so an obedyent companye/ to be [35]
[p. 152]
noted dysobedyent/. and thearfore am redye as well as I can/ to answer
to yor mynde/. And so to speake as I thynke/. I confesse I have byn
of that opynyon/ that theas gentleme* ar/ wch have pleadyd the wymens
cawse for I have noted/ in som, learnenge/. in som, wysdom/. in some,
Stowtenes/ in som, temperance/ in som, lyberalytye, and so forthe of [5]
other vertues/. And I have compared them wth men/ that have byn
enduyd wth the lyke guyftes/ and I have fownde them equall/ or superior
(fol. 81) to that/ that men have had/: ffor whear as men have ever had
fre place and grounde to work vppon/ wymen havinge not so, but
beinge restrayned from the course of vertues race/ by the order of men/. [10]
and have neverthelesse excelled in the same, I have byn compelled to
confesse greater vertue in them/ than in men/. And when I had respect
to the nomber of the one and thother/ I ᵱceyved that more men wer
lesse apt to vertue then wymen for of them many have assayed the
thinge and byn fownde verry vnfytt/ manye of them have byn of theyr [15]
ffathers set forthe to learnenge/ and have lyttle proffytyd thearin/ I
have sene no woman but have marvelously prosspered in yt/. of theas
ij compared together/ I have concludyd that yf wymen wer generallye
tradyd in those vertues/ that men/ they should farr excede them/. ffor
none of them be fownde vnapt/ yf they be sett vnto yt/ and many men/ [20]
when they have ben at yt, have geven over for theire vnaptnes[.] The
nomber of men that be vertuos is not greate/ and the nomber of wymen
is lesse[,] so that the nomber provithe nothynge/ and yf it dothe yt
provethe for the woma*[,] bycawse of a lykelehood ye moste ᵱte off
them wolde excell/. and of a proffe the moste parte of thother cannot
excell/[.] The maner of lyffe is a greate helpe to matters of mynde/.
Wheare people be braught vp in armure/ they prove good Soldyers/.
wheare they be traned in mannuall artes/ they prove good workemen/.
When Cyrous had taken the vse of warr from the lidyans/ they be cam
a coward and ydle nation/. When he had practised the persyans in the [30]
ffeates of armes, they wexed a valyant people/. The Gretians have byn
notable warriors/, nowe they be fearfull slaves/. The bryngynge vpp
and the traynenge off womans lyffe is so straight and kept as in pryson
that all the good inclynacon^ wch theye have of nature is vtterly
quenchyd/[.] we se that by practyse men of small (fol. 82) hope com [35]
[p. 153]
to good proffe/ so that I maye affyrme the cawse of wymens weaknes
in handlenge of matters/ to procede of the costome that men hathe
appoynted in the maner of theyr lyffe/ for yf they have any weake
spyrite/ yf they have any mutabylytie/ or any sutche thynge yt com-
methe of the dyvers vnkyndnes that they ffynde of men/ whose [5]
unbrydled ffantesis they knowe not howe to serve certeynlye/. and
thearfore shewethe a great wytt in that they can agree to the tyme and
case/[.] So that I saye yf wymen/ have any naturall dyssposycon^ to
theas wantes[,] the credyt of thynges/ the charge of office and governe-
ment/ sholde worke the contrary in them/. ffewe wymen/ have shewed [10]
any worthynes in governement of thinges, bycawse ffewe have byn
appoynted to yt. for yf many wer/ many showlde shewe greate vertues/
wch is well declared by them/ that have had any thynge adooe/. But I
have forgot my self/ wch beinge requested to shewe what learned wymen
we had/ am entred in to the campe of all wymens case/. And verye [15]
well (quothe the Cowntes) yf you wolde proced accordenglye/. Not so
Madam (quothe the Englysheman) ffor bothe I am vnmete to reason
the matter/ and all so I showlde doe iniurye to sutche/ as ar all redy
appoynted to the same/. But as mutche as parteynethe to my charge
that is to saye sowhat* of or gentlewyme* I shall gladly doe/. I wyll not [20]
speake of them that be past/ but of or preasent tyme/. And bycawse
the gentleman made mensyon of Syr Thomas mooris dauzters of the
wch one[,] of whome I am sure ye have harde/ by the name of Mar-
gareta Ropera/. provid so notable/ not onely in learnenge/ but in all
other vertues/ that she maye compare wythe any notable man/ and she [25]
have left vnto the world thre daughters in lyke sorte/ whiche beinge
trayned/ and taught onelye by hyr do excell/. wch bycawse they wer
ffyrst menconed^ of you/ ar ffyrst answered (fol. 83) of me. But nowe I
wyll speake off them/ whome I aught not onely to love for my contries
sake/ but allso to honor for Dutis sake/ and they be the two Systers of [30]
the moste noble prynce kynge Edward the Sixt/ of the wch the Elder
is the lady Maris grace/ (of whome I was glad to hear Mr Orlando
Speake) so exelent and passinge in all kinde of learnenge and langwage/.
as ffewe have byn the lyke/. and thearfore I can do no more/ but praye
for hyr gracis longe pservacon$^ [.] [35]
[p. 154]
Thother is my lady Elyzabethes grace/ in whose tender yearis is
seene so wonderfull towardnes of awntyent vertue/ as is great comforte
to all hyr contrye/ her learnenge is notable in the whiche she hathe
moste delight hyr other qualytis be corresspondent/ ye wch I praye god
may longe increas in hyr good grace/[.] of theas two I cannot speake [5]
ynoughe/ and yet dare not speake to moche/ least by vnmete speche I
shold duske and shadowe/ theyr moste clere ornamentes of bodye and
mynde/. Next to theyr exelences I wyll Ioyne one of a moste noble
howse/ moste vniustly afflycted I meane the howse of the hawardes/
whear of an ympe hathe byn so crewelly cutt of and the olde stock so [10]
rigorously delt wth all/ that yt wolde make a stonye harte to rewe/. Off
this ffamelye be thre Systers/ whearof one lady Iane haward[,] who is
of sutche marvelous towardnes in learnenge/ as ffewe men maye com-
pare wth her/. bothe greke and lattynne is vulgare vnto her/. her
composycon^ in versis so notable, that all the world dothe acknowledge [15]
hyr a worthye daughter of a moste worthy ffather. I am glad (quothe
Mr fflamynio) that you have made mentyon of the howse of hawarde/
ffor when I was at Rome wth the learned Bushop paulus Iovinus I
harde hym speake muche of that howse affyrmenge that he knewe
ffewe howsis to be compared to yt/ and mutche lamented the harde [20]
happ/ that yt have (fol. 84) had a late/ yt is Ioyfull to me allso to heare
that of bothe kyndes/ thearbe of fforward myndes in yt/. ffor I have
hard sutche reporte of that earle/ that was so vilanouslye murthered/
that not onelye that ylande/ but all Χρianitie@ showlde have had a
worthy member of hym/ of whome I am glad that som be descendyd/ [25]
that maye helpe to garneshe or enterpryse/ of comendynge* woman
You knowe (quothe the englyshema*) the olde worde/ vertue lyvethe
afterr deathe/ his forsid deathe cannot take the glorye from his naturall
vertues vnto the wch I wyll leave hym and all his for this tyme/. Thear [30]
be allso the dauzters of the Duke of Sommersett vncle to ye kynge by the
mothers side/ and late protector of his Realm wch be well trayned in
learnenge[;] of whome one namyd Iane lyke wyse dothe prossper verye
mutche bothe in lattyn/ and in other langwagis/[.] A marques we
have allso whose daughters be braught vpp in learnenge (and one of [35]
[p. 155]
them as I hear called Iane provethe very notable bothe in greke and
lattyn/ and other learnenge and of very good Condycons^ of Nature as
maye be requesyte in so worthye a personne/. Beside theas/ the Earle
of Arondell hathe two daughters/ ladye Iane/ and ladye marye[,] wch
be braught vp in knowledge/ and do so prossper in yt/ as thone all [5]
redye hathe shewed great testymonye/ of her proffyt thearin/ and
thother goethe so forward in the Stodye of good lres^/ as they bothe be
like to matche wth anye of the other,/ that have purchesid ffame thear-
bye/ and be of so good qualytis beside/ in any maner of vertue/ as they
augment the honor of theyr moste honorable howse/. Dyvers other [10]
lordes/ and gentlemen thearbe whose daughters prove very well
learned/ in esspetiallye the daughters of Syr Anthony Cooke a knight/
wch, for greke & lattyn be not inferior to anye that we have namyd/.
I wyll not be tedyous in theas of or tyme/ and of them and or ffathers
(fol. 85) tyme I will saye nothinge/ ffor as mutche as the testymonye [15]
of one/ who hathe byn dyvers tymes namyd amonges vs/ is suffycyent
to all the worlde/. to declare what our wymen cann doo/. when they
bende them selves to a matter worthy the travel[,] as she dyd/ who
colde not onely be alowed a reder at Athens/ but after be chosen a pope
of Rome. in the atchevement of the wch, she shewed sutche abowndance [20]
of learnenge/ wysdom/ dyscressyon/ and all other vertues requesyte to
Sutche thinges[,] and all other vertues/ of Importance as all the world
maye not deface yt/ but yt shall compare wth anye man that ever was/.
In dede (quothe Iohn@ Burghese) she maye. and yf she colde have [25]
carryed all cleane/ she had had no ffellowe/.
Well (quoth the Countesse) her doenges wer be yonde the Condycon^
of any woman/ and thearfore envious ffortune thaught to dysgrace hyr
in somwhat/. Nowe madam (quothe the Englysheman) I have fulfylled
yor Comandyment*/ and somwhat gon beyonde my Comyssyon*/. for the [30]
whiche enterpryse I beseche you pardon me/.
You have not don so moche (quoth the Cowntesse) but yf you wolde
do more we wolde well accept yt/ and not onely take yt in gree/ but
hartely thanke you/.
No madam (quoth he) that wer not mete/ seynge heare be so manye [35]
[p. 156]
to speake in the matter/. And Mr fflaminio hathe a great deale to doe/
yf he accomplyshe his charge/.
I am not so desyrous to speake my sellffe (quoth he) as to hear
other/ and I wolde desyer the ladye Cowntesse I might be dyscharged/.
ffor then showlde I receyve greatr consolacon^ by this assemblye than I [5]
doo but yf yt be not hyr pleasure that any other shall enter the matter
tyll I have dyscharged my sellf/ I am redy to obeye/ and wyll go
ye saye verry well (quoth (fol. 86) the Cowntesse) but I thinke
mutche of the night is past/ and we must have regard to or Commenge [10]
hyther/ wch is for our helthe/ wch we seke by the bathe/. and muste
thearfore dysspoce or bodis accordenglye/ that the operacon^ of the
water, be not hyndered by or dystemperature[;] ffor as all other physyck/:
even so the bayns do worke/ as they ffynde or bodys dyspoced/. And
bycawse slepe is one of the necessary thinges that apparteyne vnto vs/, [15]
and we be not a lyke dyspoced thear vnto/ yt is reason that every man
have convenyent tyme for the same/. And to morrowe yf yt be yor
pleasure we will mete agayne and resume this dysputacon^[.] And
bycawse the tryall hathe ever byne betwene theas two gentlemen/ that
have saide theyr myndes cheffelye this night/ they shalbe restored to [20]
theyre formar interest/ to saye theyr pleasure at the next metenge/.
and for this night I thynk everye man/ is very well pleased wythe your
talke/ and so be we to/ allthoughe Mr Camyllo professythe enemytye
agaynste vs/.
You ar more bownde (quothe Iohn@ borghese) to hym/ than to any [25]
other/ for he tellethe you the playne trewthe/ whearby ye may the
rather amende your fawltes/[:] other by fflatterye and vayne Commen-
dacon^, brynge ye in to a false beleve withe theyr prayse/ and make you
forgett yorselves/.
We shoulde (quothe the Countesse) be marvelous beastes/ yf we wer [30]
sutche as you allwais descrybe vs/.
Well madam (quoth Mr Camyllo) youre wysdom is sutche as ye
can dyscerne who speakethe rightly/ and who not. all thoughe it is
yor parte for verrye womanhed/ to maynteyne your kynde as you
doo/. [35]
[p. 157]
I dowbte not (quoth Mr Orlando) but the ladye Countes ᵱceyvethe
well inoughe whearto our talke tendethe/.
I thanke you bothe (quoth she) of your good opynyon of me/ and I
am sure all the (fol. 87) companye have no lesse of you/[.] Thearfore
for this tyme we will geve over, leavenge to Mr fflamynyo his chardge [5]
that he have taken in hande/ and your quarrell indyfferent to you
bothe/. And that or metenge maye ende as yt hathe begonne I praye
you before ye deᵱte to daunce and synge to gether/ and thouz I cannot
kepe you companye for my lame bodye/ yt shall do me good to beholde
you/. And when they had so donne every man tooke leave of other [10]
and departed for that night/ to theyr lodgynge/.