Written material on this site has been produced by members of the team. The works you will find under Texts are transcriptions of the texts taken either from digital manifestations or in some cases from manuscripts or early editions; links, library reference numbers or manuscript collections number are provided, along with references to modern editions where available. All the works transcribed here are in the public domain.
Authors and Timeline
Biographies of the authors are accompanied by citations of source materials, and images connected to the authors. We include portraits when possible; in some cases, we have not been able to reliably identify a portrait of the author. The images and other historical information are intended to allow the user to consider the authors and texts in their place and time.
Digital analyses have been produced under the supervision of Professor Andrew Piper, using a range of quantitative methods, including cluster and network analysis, and hypothesis testing. Our aim in presenting these materials is not so much to answer questions as to raise them, by indicating the (sometimes unforeseen) relationships revealed between texts when we view their linguistic qualities.
We will be providing other forms of analysis that may be useful for teaching as well as research: charts of the arguments that recur across works, tables of virtues and vices, lists of admirable women (actual or fictional), and sources—literary, theological, philosophical—that influenced Renaissance and early modern feminists.