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New Narratives in the History of Philosophy
“New Narratives in the History of Philosophy aims to develop new narratives of our philosophical past that centrally include women thinkers, and thereby to reconfigure, enrich and reinvigorate the philosophical canon, focusing on the early modern period (roughly 1560-1810).”
Project Vox
“Project Vox seeks to recover the lost voices of women who have been ignored in standard narratives of the history of modern philosophy. We aim to change those narratives, thereby changing what students around the world learn about philosophy’s history.”
Feminist History of Philosophy
“Feminist History of Philosophy is a forum in which academic philosophers who do history of philosophy from a feminist perspective can exchange ideas, share conference call for papers, and advertise new publications.”
Teaching La Princesse de Clèves
“Teaching La Princesse de Clèves offers strategies for teaching this seminal work to intermediate-level college students in a way that is dynamic, engaging, and perhaps most importantly that highlights the connection between this literary text and contemporary social concerns of young people in today’s world.”
Marguerite de Roberval: A Web-Based Approach to Teaching a Renaissance Heroine
“Marguerite de Roberval has been designed for introducing students to Marguerite de Roberval and the sixteenth-century texts she inspired.”
Teaching Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron
“Teaching Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron compiles resources so that scholars and students interested in exploring Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron may delve more deeply into this compelling writer and her texts.”
Early Modern Women in Philosophy Bibliography
“This bibliography aims to survey and catalog philosophical works written by women in the early modern period (roughly 1550-1830), with particular attention to (a) specifying the location of the actual copies of the texts and (b) whether the works have been digitized, and if so, in what form that digitization exists.”
Early Modern Letters Online
“Early Modern Letters Online is a combined finding aid and editorial interface for basic descriptions of early modern correspondence: a collaboratively populated union catalogue of sixteenth-, seventeenth-, and eighteenth-century letters.”
Early English Books Online
“Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700.”
Elena Brizio
“Elena Brizio is a scholar in social and political history. Her primary research interests are in the legal and economic activity of women in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period in Europe. Her website contains information on paleography and archives, the GEA project, and Siena and its women.”
Oxford New Histories of Philosophy
“Oxford New Histories of Philosophy speaks to a growing concern to broaden and reexamine philosophy’s past. It is intended to have a major impact on how philosophy is taught and practiced in the English-speaking world.”
The Kant Research Group
“The Kant Research Group at Western is a community of scholars based at the University of Western Ontario (in London ON, Canada) with primary research interests in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). The members of the KRG have expertise ranging over all aspects of Kant’s philosophy, but also are actively interested in issues pertaining to the historical context and reception of Kant’s thought. ”